Quote Originally Posted by Blueidone View Post
The second memory I have of him is visiting the lady who lived next door to me...quite often...usually in the evenings. I don't remember much about it, except that my parents would often joke about how hypocritical he was. Of course, as an adult I came to understand what they were talking about. Of course, I have no proof or knowledge of what went on during those visits...just a rememberance of the jokes being made.

Three Irish housewives lived in a tenement across the street from a cat house.

One day, they saw a Baptist preacher go in the front door, and they all clucked to themselves, "for shame, for shame, and a man of the cloth".

The next day, a Jewish Rabbi went in the cat house and the three were beside themselves, saying "what a hypocrite he is".

On the following day, a Catholic priest went up and knocked on the door and one lady said to the others, "one of the girls in there must be very sick".
