Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
oldguy, What combination would you specifically suggest to bridge that gap?
Some of my favorite ideas are employing people so we can collect income tax. Working people are spending money which provides sales tax. Just those two go a long ways towards combating a deficit.

The platform for most politicians during the last election was jobs, jobs, jobs. I still haven't heard any ideas from those elected about creating jobs. The people that are attempting to re-train themselves for new careers are going to hit a brick wall if this legislation passes. Then what? Stop trying, collect welfare, leave the state?

It's like we're doing everything we can to eliminate jobs in this country. We'll never eliminate the deficit if people aren't employed.

I wasn't a fan of Governor Doyle. I also feel that if government waste could actually be attacked and eliminated or at least brought into control somewhat, we'd see a reduction in the deficit. I don't agree with the fact that eliminating government waste and corruption is impossible. It would be an enormous task but if people would focus their energy at it, I think it would be one of the most important things we could do.

I'm still confused as to why we're importing people to work in this state from China, Russia, Brazil and a dozen other countries. Granted, most of them are low paying jobs but there are a large number of people in this area that have been working low paying jobs their entire life and were able to provide for themselves and were a portion of the local tax base. Kids that used to start their summer jobs at 14 now sit without jobs. I don't get it.

I was giving people advice about pursuing careers in the service sector because those jobs are safe from being exported overseas. So what happens? They start importing people from overseas to work in the service sector.

We'll never eliminate the deficit if we can't eliminate unemployment.