
No, I think you still have the appearance of it, at least on this forum.

"I've called 'em out in print, too."

Is that so? How do you feel about the claim, often bandied about, that the "replacement span" isn't intended to be used permanently, that it's going to be closed as soon as the work is finished on rehabilitating the first span? Do you accept that?

"Some of us can actually discuss the issue without the partisan blinders."

Does it hurt your arm to pat yourself on the back like that all the time?

"Worries about illness and prostitution are no less valid in Delray, so for Tlaib to raise 'em in her Freep piece is odd."

Is it odd? Look at Delray for yourself. It's been utterly destroyed. It's hard to argue that there's even a viable neighborhood left there anymore. For decades, it has been a polluted, increasingly vacant, toxic-smelling neighborhood, with Zug Island, the water filtration plant, the refineries and now a foul-smelling composting plant. Now look at Mexicantown. It's a vibrant neighborhood in the middle of a comeback. Now, if you were representing the district, which includes both, and you had a choice of having a new span in Mexicantown or in Delray, which do you think you would choose. In your rush to find a partisan issue so you can accuse Tlaib of hypocrisy, I think you miss a valid distinction.

"There are other concerns about Moroun and DIBC that are valid, but that doesn't negate the value of the Ambassador Bridge"

Nobody is saying that the bridge isn't important. I think there is a very real debate going on here, and I feel that Tlaib is being sincere, at least way more sincere than Stamper and Moroun. As she should be: She's representing her constituents; the Ambassador crowd are naturally only interested in their own enterprise.