Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
I would like to see a couple of things happen to the school board because the way it is currently constructed, it doesn't have the best interest of the students at heart.

One I would like to see a ban from people running for elected office for two years after leaving the school board.

That would help from having the Rep Womacks of the world stepping out of the school board right to a State Rep job. I think it can be shown that due to the high profile recognition he received as school board pres and member gave him a leg up for the State Reps job. Once he gets the job then the power of being an incumbent helps keep him in office. Rep Womack was only following a tried and true method of political advancement.

Secondly I would like to see a strong ethics policy put in place for school board members since they have authority to approve millions of dollars of contracts. I believe influence has been bought and sold over the years as a result of it.

These areas have been a distraction and have led to children not being the first priority.

To address another poster schools have been closed but not at the level they should have been
Until Bobb came along. Bobb had these mass closings but he should not have needed to do it if the board didn't kick the can down the road with closing the correct number of schools for a given year.
I for one believe in morals. It is something surely lacking in politics [[see Kilpatrick, Kwame; Conyers, Monica; Lattimore, William) but I have to disagree with a ban on DPS board members seeking office. As it has been pointed out, the board does not receive a salary for serving on the board. Yes we know that some board members are opportunists but this is America.

Going forward, I would like a new board, one made up of school administrators or principals. No more elections of ordinary citizens but actually people that have a direct interest in the school system.