Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
Putting on my hat from my grad school course in Urban Anthropology, what you see here is a result of the growth of the culture of poverty. This really has little to do with race. You can go into much of Northern Michigan [[which is probably about 95 percent white) and see the same things going on.

As more people are trapped into poverty the amount of space needed to house them grows. Ecology tells us that as something grows, it needs more space. Therefore as our economy gets beaten down, there is an increase in the space needed to house those who participate in the culture of poverty. Heck if I had no job I too would be up all hours getting loud and stupid. I too would not care about shoveling my walk or keeping my property up. As someone who is not part of that culture, I am more concerned about keeping my housing values up and keeping out of jail for someone not suing me for having an unshoveled walk.
This appears to be a outward migration, not an outgrowth. These people are cited as Detroiters and likely the usual actors who have been poor for generations. Detroit is not growing or in need of space. The poor are leaving Detroit because the conditions are becoming intolerable to even them.