Quote Originally Posted by SteadySky View Post
I think he has it right concerning this matter of politicians not showing up to vote. The politicians from each party use every method under the sun to slow down, corrupt, modify, fix, destroy, etc., legislation that is working through the system. But at least it is IN THE SYSTEM. This to me seems like a bad, bad, road to go down trying to freeze or stop the system of governance tht we have in America. This happneded in Texas when a review of the voting districts were conducted in 2000 [[I think). Hell, those kind of political games go in both political parties and is as old as the republic.

I am curious as to what other Detroit Yes posters think on this issue. Is this such a monumental matter that we need to begin dismantling a bedrock aspect of our system? Thank you for your input. I am long time reader, but this is my first thread.
Oh, stop concern trolling. This is Political Strategy 101. If it was a bunch of conservatives jumping the state line, Nolan would be all over it. You don't win knock-down-drag-out political fights by shrugging your shoulders and saying "aw, well, better luck next time." That's a good way to demoralize your base so badly that you're lucky if they ever vote again. In an ideal world, sure, we'd have an orderly political process and we'd all behave like perfect gentlemen. But in an ideal world we wouldn't have to suffer fools like Scott Walker, either.