Yes. It will be unveiled as America's Cemetery. People will come from miles around to view the grave site of what was once known as American Industrial Might. Exhibits will remind people how if they worked enough hours in a year, they could actually afford the products they made. Shops and business as a result of millions making a fair wage and having disposable income would litter the park. Then people will mourn the loss of their pension plans, access to health care, and banks that once gave them 4% interest on savings.

Admission is free, but to exit, you must make a contribution of 25% of your annual income to a wall street billionaire, and be assured that, by him having that money, it will all come back to you in a socialist manner in, say, a minimum of 30 years. Blue Cross will be guarding the parking lot. You will have to pay the attendant another 25% of your annual income to get your car back. The attendant, of course, is a retiree and lives in the neighborhood, in his grandfather's house on Concord. He is just a security guard for Blue Cross and receives no benefits. You will have to tip him $2 so he can move the car that's blocking you in.