Quote Originally Posted by erikd View Post
After 14 years of living in the city, I am still amazed at the different expectations of city services vs. suburban services. I lived in Shelby Township for the first 22 years of my life, until I was able to escape and move to Detroit. Over the last 14 years, I have enjoyed city services in Detroit that I never even dreamed were possible in Shelby Township. I am still amazed by the fact that we can get a foot of snow at night, and when I walk to work at 9am, most of the sidewalks have already been cleared of snow. I can't believe that people complain about side streets, and especially sidewalks, not being cleared by the city. From the time I was old enough to hold a snow shovel, I helped shovel the driveway, AND THE STREET, in front of our house, because there were no trucks plowing or salting the street. And sidewalk plowing... does that happen anywhere other than greater downtown Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Birmingham, downtown Royal Oak, and a few other places? The thought of sidewalk plowing in Shelby Twp was something I never even considered as a possibility. When it snowed, you just walked down the street.
Hold on now! You didn't read anything that I had blogged about any side street's sidewalk not being plowed. I had written the major street's sidewalks are not being plowed. Don't hallucinate and read words that are not even there. Plus, if some of these vacant lots and empty buildings are owned by someone let the city up the taxes of those properties, fine the owners for not plowing snow off the sidewalks in front of their properties, and the leaders not accept any kickback from property owners to avoid penalizing them