As a product of DPS, it is sad to know that the state has given approval to destroy the public school system in Detroit. We know the schools in Detroit were flawed. Teachers were more/less babysitters to unruly children, school buildings were outdated and thieves were ravaging the school system taking anything that wasn't nailed down. Now the state says, "hey let's close half of the schools and herd the school children into the remaining schools and lets increase the size of the classes to 60. You are a teacher and having 30 badasses was enough of an headache now the state says hey we will give you 30 more badasses and oh...the pay stay the same. The state tells the principals, "oh you are going to get more students but we aren't building any new buildings so you will have to make do with the resources you have.

This will not work out well for the city of Detroit. More and more residents will take their children out of public schools and DPS will cease to exist.