I'm living in a small town and I've noticed the exact opposite trend. People are moving from large metropolitan areas to small towns. I'm not talking about wealthy people. From discussions I've had with a few of these people they tell me it's not because they want to live the rural life, it's because they've run out of options in the city. Small towns, and I'm talking about populations of about 8000 to 20,000 seem to have job openings. Unfortunately the wages are usually reasonably low, but for someone that's been unable to find work for several years I guess they see it as an option. I'm not talking about suburbs. I miss living in a large city but in the same way, it just seems easier to establish a way of life in a small town these days. It is somewhat similar to the great migration to the cities from the 20's to the 50's. People do what they have to do.
Some of the people I talk to sound as though they're just looking for a place to ride the storm out, and if the economy rebounds they'd move back to the city.

I enjoy the fact that if I get a parking ticket, the most I'm going to pay is $5. On the other hand I spend a lot of time daydreaming about being able to walk into a deli and order a pastrami on rye.
I honestly don't think it's a matter of people wanting to leave the cities as much as it's a matter of having to.