Too many moons for my memory to be succinctly the early 70's I used to meader down Wight going west from Meldrum.....I'm gonna guess we got down to around McDougall....cannot remember if we were still right off Wight or we went a block or two east or west.

There was an old lady who ran a little lunch counter/soda shop....she had the old wire twisted chairs circa 1890's, and this was in a pretty old building.
Either right next door, or a couple doors down there was a catering truck depot that filled their trucks up for the road.

At any rate, that old lady used to take in a lot of book in those work partner went there every morning without fail to put his 4 bits on his number of the day.

If anyone knew exactly where this was or what I'm talking about, I'd be tickled, because this is certainly gone to the ages from my memory bank.