Quote Originally Posted by pffft View Post
Mitch has been a joke for a long time....but please, Elrick and Schaefer did a pretty good job on the mayor at that "faded" publication, and I continue to see numerous links here back to it. A little disingenous I think...
Don't get me wrong. There are many outstanding and trust-worthy journalists doing great work for the Freep. However it is a fading publication. In terms of circulation and influence, it is a shadow of its former self.

This is not the fault of the journalists, with the exception of a very few, but a management that once stood behind the working man, and sold papers based on that stance, but then immediately hired replacement workers as soon as the strike began after taking editorial stances against such practices. Combined with the subject of this thread, it is has been severely discredited IMO.

Management's role in bringing in 1200 outside mercenaries to suppress the strike and who committed acts of violence against Detroiters brought on further discredit. While other journalist suffered through the strike with dignity to fight for their rights Mitch Albom used it as an opportunity to catapult his career.

Management also lacked understanding of the internet revolution that was occurring at the same time and wasted valuable time in addressing that challenge and opportunity. It is arguable that the fading of their publication was due more to that failure than from loss of credibility due to their handling of the strike.