Quote Originally Posted by DetroitDad View Post
One seldom claims to hail from Detroit, instead they are from a named suburb or neighborhood [[Royal Oak or Corktown). Detroit supporters often call the site by new names, such as New Detroit or the International Straits of Detroit.
No one outside of this immediate area knows what the crap you are talking about when you say you live in Corktown. To the untrained ear it sounds like you're telling them you live in an odd specialty store, so nine times out of ten people just say "Detroit" to make it easy for people, and to perhaps compel them to hand over their wallets without a struggle. So, putting the word Detroit in the name of your marketing/business venture has one thing going for it - it's recognizable.

I personally despise these sunny new names like the aforementioned "International Straits of Detroit" and "New Detroit" - which sounds oddly Robocopian to me - and I think DDad you should just embrace the name of Detroit, ruin porn and all. If anything, it brings with it an edgy image. Good luck with everything and I hope you do find a gutsy investor without having to resort to re-branding anything.