Quote Originally Posted by fubarnation View Post
What you define as bashing, others would call complaining. Even if it is accurately considered bashing, most of the bashers have earned the right via their tax dollars donated to Detroit at the expense of their own communities. It is fair to say that Detroit does not earn its keep in the scheme of things.

As far as your opinion about the school system, please don't attempt to compare that POS known as DPS to anything else in the state. Thousands of future's have been stolen by the DPS administration. Everyone in the state knows how bad Detroit schools are run and we all pay for it. The damage that has been done is monumental.

Whipping out the race card [[referring to other posts) just enables the wrong doers. Wrong is wrong, regardless of race. Does anyone really want what's going on there to continue on it's current course?

I wrote that the racism on those boards comes from all sides from a couple of loonies. In context, it was actually a response to what I took as a suggestion that it was suburban only. Not sure how that makes me an enabler, as I agree that wrong is wrong. Perhaps my points were manipulated in order to fit into a rant about something else entirely.