Snyder said "we" [[apparently State government) are going to partner with the Chamber of Commerce to put an end to the efforts to establish a workplace ergonomic standard in Michigan to reduce strains & sprains in the workplace.

The practical effect is simple. There's been a committee meeting forever and going nowhere. Apparently that will end.

But the whole thing is a sideshow. Existing standards/laws and legal decisions make it a question of enforcement not new or old standards. Michigan OSHA has the ability to require these changes already. Since 40% of Michigan workers compensation costs go to these injuries one would think it prudent and rational to reduce the hazards. The methods are known and provide a good return to the employer that implements them. Besides, it's the right thing to do.

So I think that -- in addition to shutting down this endless committee to nowhere that has entertained a few bureaucrats, lobbyists, and union staffers for years -- what Gov $nyder is talking about is not enforcing laws that benefit working people. Given the sorry state of such enforcement under Granholm that's gonna be a messy thig