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  1. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by Vox View Post
    I could not understand what the hell you are saying here. I mean really, really incomprehensible. Try and distill your thoughts into a coherent form, please?

    If you are going to say "all you need is love" then just SAY it. Christ.
    You fail to understand a lot. Sounds like all YOU need is love.

    I was playing off of the previous poster's language about romance of the gun. If you missed that, then I don't know what to say to you.

    Here is a recording of an interview of the father of the 9-year-old girl who was killed.


    HIS wisdom is great, even in his grief.

    Good luck with your understanding, Vox.

    Love ya, man.

  2. #127
    Chuck La Chez Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    Douglas was not aware of Harriet Tubman and the number of runaways. And he would not have had any idea of the Stockholm syndrome or depression. He only knew his own experience.
    Douglass is spelled with a double s. It's important for rhetoricians to present themselves as trustworthy authorities. When you mispell the man's name, it gives the impression that you know little about him, particularly with such a unique way of spelling.

    In any case, I'm not arguing with you; I've long known that wicked people will justify every bad behavior in order to bring standards down to a level that makes their baseness acceptable. I, on the other hand, have high standards for myself and, therefore, high standards for others.

    If you believe life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are inherently our's, you have to accept the responsibility to fight for it. Slaves, as a rule, didn't fight for it so they didn't get it, regardless of excuses.

  3. #128
    Vox Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    You fail to understand a lot. Sounds like all YOU need is love.
    I am deflecting your hostility toward others. Why so hostile?

    I was playing off of the previous poster's language about romance of the gun. If you missed that, then I don't know what to say to you.
    You sure got that right, I guess. Funny how you snap back into clarity when someone pisses you off. Try quoting the original poster before you wax poetic next time.

    Here is a recording of an interview of the father of the 9-year-old girl who was killed.


    HIS wisdom is great, even in his grief.
    Yes and you will notice that he doesn't think that there is a conspiracy in the daughter's death. As in this quote:

    Does anyone have confirmation that the 9-year-old girl was a child of 9/11, too?! That one flew around, but I've not bothered yet to check it out. IF so, the co-incidence would be too great to walk away from.

  4. #129


    "ours" is spelled without an apostrophe. Getting that wrong gives us the impression that you don't mean what you say.

  5. #130
    Chuck La Chez Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by oldredfordette View Post
    "ours" is spelled without an apostrophe. Getting that wrong gives us the impression that you don't mean what you say.
    Grammar is subjective. If you watch my writing, you'll notice a number of consistent violations of norms. I use them because I believe they improve readability.

  6. #131


    Quote Originally Posted by littlebuddy View Post
    I like how so many jump right in and KNOW all the reasons for this guy going on a killing spree. I also like how many KNOW where to place blame. I am sure you are the kind of people who don't let the facts get in the way of some good hating and bashing. If this guy is some right-wing loving nut, I will try real hard to put a nice spin on him and what he did, just like the baby-killing abortion people put a nice spin on the evil they do.
    You forgot to include how you like to do nice spin jobs on your "Pro-Israel" rants on this forum....

  7. #132


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Where were all those gun-totin' Arizonans at when this guy was shooting? I thought that allowing everyone and their brother to carry would stop this kind of thing. You know, protect themselves and others.

    Excellent point. AZ gun laws:

    Permit to purchase rifles and shotguns? No
    Registration of rifles and shotguns? No
    Licensing of owners of rifles and shotguns? No
    Permit to carry rifles and shotguns? No

    Permit to purchase handgun? No
    Registration of handguns? No
    Licensing of owners of handguns? No
    Permit to carry handguns? Yes

    It is unlawful to sell or give to a minor, without written consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian, a firearm or ammunition.
    No state permit is required to purchase a shotgun, rifle, or handgun.
    It is unlawful to sell or transfer a firearm to a "prohibited possessor."

  8. #133


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    Why should we ignore the obvious? Loughner had a Glock semi-automatic with an extended magazine which had been outlawed under a law that the Bush admin. allowed to expire.
    The .possession and sale of high capacity magazines were never outlawed under the "Assault Weapons" ban.

    Also, the violent actions of Ted Kaczynski and Timothy McVeigh show that even if it was possible to take firearms out of the equation, tragedies like these would continue.

  9. #134
    gdogslim Guest


    I wonder if the gun ban freaks would be happier if the nutcase killed her with a knife or bow and arrow or sharp pencil.

    Michigan has the same laws for rifles/shotguns as AZ. [[hot handguns) What a coincidence.
    Rifles and Shotguns
    • Permit to purchase rifles and shotguns? No
    • Registration of rifles and shotguns? No
    • Licensing of owners of rifles and shotguns? No
    • Permit to carry rifles and shotguns? No


    • Permit to purchase a handgun? Yes [[*License to purchase - see below)
    • Registration of handguns? Yes
    • Licensing of owners of handguns? No
    • Permit to carry handguns? Yes. Carrying concealed or openly in a motor vehicle requires a license.

    State Requirements Purchase No permit is required for the purchase of a rifle or shotgun. No rifle, shotgun or handgun may be sold to a minor under 18 years of age, a convicted felon, or a person under indictment.
    To purchase a handgun from either a dealer or private individual, the buyer must obtain a license to purchase from the chief of police if the buyer lives in a city, or the county sheriff if he lives in an area without an organized police department.
    The buyer must be 18 years of age, a U.S. citizen, a resident of Michigan, have no felony conviction, have never been adjudged insane [[unless later restored by court order), and score 70 percent on a basic pistol safety review questionnaire.

    I highly recommend buying a shotgun for home protection, or bird hunting, legally of course.

  10. #135


    Chuck: If you're going to get technical about spelling, what on earth does your handle mean? It sure doesn't make sense in the French I'm familiar with.

    : Gannon: If this individual experienced true love, there would BE no room for the hatred and worse which perpetuated his being.
    Loughner appeared to be incoherent. I don't know if all the love in the world would have straightened his head out. I wonder if he was into pills. I heard he smoke mj, but how much do you have to smoke to get that crazy? Or maybe he wasn't crazy when he started shooting. Maybe he was just a gun enthusiast. They like to shoot things.
    Does anyone have confirmation that the 9-year-old girl was a child of 9/11, too?! That one flew around, but I've not bothered yet to check it out. IF so, the co-incidence would be too great to walk away from.
    What does this mean? Don't tell me you go in for all those measurements of the Great Pyramid adding up to some cosmic message.
    Last edited by maxx; January-10-11 at 02:04 PM.

  11. #136


    gdog: wonder if the gun ban freaks would be happier if the nutcase killed her with a knife or bow and arrow or sharp pencil.
    He wouldn't have been able to do the amount of damage he did with a knife. And he would have been taken down with the first arrow he tried to aim.

  12. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck La Chez View Post
    Grammar is subjective. If you watch my writing, you'll notice a number of consistent violations of norms. I use them because I believe they improve readability.
    Do point out some of your grammatical violations that improve readability. lol

  13. #138


    Quote Originally Posted by Vox View Post
    I could not understand what the hell you are saying here. I mean really, really incomprehensible. Try and distill your thoughts into a coherent form, please?

    If you are going to say "all you need is love" then just SAY it. Christ.
    That little piece of Gannon's is nothing for him. Haven't you read some of his other postings on other threads?

  14. #139
    Chuck La Chez Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    Chuck: If you're going to get technical about spelling, what on earth does your handle mean? It sure doesn't make sense in the French I'm familiar with.
    I'll be happy to answer your question if you can articulate a sound explanation describing the logical connection between my username and you misspelling the name of a man who is one of the most heroic figures in American history.

  15. #140


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    What does this mean? Don't tell me you go in for all those measurements of the Great Pyramid adding up to some cosmic message.
    If I had to guess, I'd say he means the gov't set her up some how. Or the Black Ops or something like that.

  16. #141


    Wow, our motive absent mass murderer in Tucson has a grammar fixation at well. RE: La Chez: Grammar is subjective. If you watch my writing, you'll notice a number of consistent violations of norms. I use them because I believe they improve readability.

  17. #142


    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck La Chez View Post
    I'll be happy to answer your question if you can articulate a sound explanation describing the logical connection between my username and you misspelling the name of a man who is one of the most heroic figures in American history.
    I think you are misspelling or misusing a French word.

  18. #143


    Quote Originally Posted by gazhekwe View Post
    Wow, our motive absent mass murderer in Tucson has a grammar fixation at well. RE: La Chez: Grammar is subjective. If you watch my writing, you'll notice a number of consistent violations of norms. I use them because I believe they improve readability.
    Yes, and they seem to share a peculiar lack of empathy.

  19. #144
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Does anyone have confirmation that the 9-year-old girl was a child of 9/11, too?! That one flew around, but I've not bothered yet to check it out. IF so, the co-incidence would be too great to walk away from.


    She was very interested in politics since she was a little girl," Green said. "I think that being born on 9/11 had a lot to do with that."
    She was there to see the Congresswoman because she was interested in politics, possibly because of her birthday. Crazed gunman was there on the same day, probably because of easy access to the Congresswoman. How would he know anything about this kid or her b-day before he shot her? It is just a coincidence.

  20. #145


    Quote Originally Posted by Vox View Post
    I am deflecting your hostility toward others. Why so hostile?
    How can you POSSIBLY arrive at understanding hostility out of my words?! You are a piece of work.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vox View Post
    ...someone pisses you off. Try quoting the original poster before you wax poetic next time.
    Why would I need to quote the previous post in the thread? Or do you merely pick mine out for some odd reason?!

    You are a sorry individual, either way. Linear reading comprehension classes would probably help you a bit.

  21. #146
    Chuck La Chez Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    How can you POSSIBLY arrive at understanding hostility out of my words?!
    I would venture a guess that it's because you'd say something like this:

    You are a sorry individual, either way.
    Last edited by Chuck La Chez; January-10-11 at 03:26 PM.

  22. #147


    Victim in Arizona shooting was 9/11 Faces of Hope baby

    Christina Green, 9, was on the student council of her elementary school, so on Saturday her mother's friend thought she might enjoy seeing government in action — the local congresswoman meeting with constituents outside a supermarket near Christina's home.
    "I allowed her to go, thinking it would be an innocent thing," said Christina's mother, Roxanna Green, 45.
    It did not turn out that way. A gunman shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, leaving her unconscious and in critical condition, and his fusillade killed six others, including Christina, a third-grader who loved animals and volunteered at a children's charity.
    She was special from birth because she was born on Sept. 11, 2001, and she was proud of it, her mother said, because it lent a grace note of hope to that terrible day.
    "It was an emotional time for everyone in the family, but Christina's birth was a happy event and made the day bittersweet," her mother said in a telephone interview from their home in Tucson, Ariz.
    Indeed, Christina, who was born when the family was living in West Grove, Pa., was one of the 50 "Faces of Hope" representing babies from 50 states who were born on 9/11. Their images were printed in a book, with some of the proceeds used to raise money for a 9/11 charity.
    Roxanna Green, a registered nurse, is a homemaker; Christina's father, John Green, is a supervising scout for the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team. The couple also have a son, Dallas, 11, named after the children's grandfather, Dallas Green, who managed the Philadelphia Phillies to the 1980 World Series championship and also managed the Yankees and Mets.
    Christina was an A student and was interested in politics, so her mother accepted the offer by her friend Susan Hileman to take Christina to the congresswoman's town hall meeting. John Green told the Arizona Star that Christina was such a good speaker, "I could have easily seen her as a politician."
    But Christina also seemed to have inherited her family's baseball ability. She was on the Little League baseball team, its only girl, her mother said.
    "She was an athlete, a good dancer, a good gymnast, a good swimmer," her mother said. "She belonged to Kids Helping Kids charity and tried to help children less fortunate."


  23. #148


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post

    She was there to see the Congresswoman because she was interested in politics, possibly because of her birthday. Crazed gunman was there on the same day, probably because of easy access to the Congresswoman. How would he know anything about this kid or her b-day before he shot her? It is just a coincidence.
    I was taking something from another forum, and the strong implication was that she was related to someone who died on 9/11, not merely born on that date. Nothing more, as you say, as long as the relation is merely the date.

    But that article DOES say twenty people were shot. I am unaware of the Glock pistol that has that capacity. I'll do some research when I've got the time.

    There is a chance bullets passed through some individuals, FMJ 9mm bullets are actually known for that...one of the reasons they are no longer standard issue for some police departments. Something about muzzle velocity versus bullet size...I cannot remember.

    But, Johnny5, those Glock magazines larger than the original 10-shot supplied with the weapon WERE made illegal by the Clinton adminisrtation's law. The only ones for sale for a long while were those in stock before the ban went into effect.


  24. #149


    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck La Chez View Post
    I would venture a guess that's it's because you'd say something like this:

    Gang up on me, I don't care. That comment was made AFTER he inserted his incorrect understanding upon me, MAKING him sorry.

    Thanks for playing along!

  25. #150


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Well I just learned something today.... "pot smoking atheists" are a danger to society.... how do I know that??? Because someone read it on an online posting board... .
    Atheists don't "hate" god anymore than we "hate" Norman Bates

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