The historic value of this property is part of its charm,the push is to demo it as of now my goal would be to save ,restore and have a viable use that benefits the community with out tearing it down.

To demo it would not only put the taxpayers on the hook and create a large brown site that would not be rebuilt in our lifetime anyways,not to even mention destroying not only a part of Detroit history but this countries history.

So if a plan can be presented that would not only preserve the property but also provide the much needed decent paying jobs in the process. Yes in the end it is about making a profit for a private corporation but in the end it is more about preserving and reutilization and if that can be achieved then it is a win for all .

It would be so much easier if the owners would just step forward and say I want X amount of dollars for said property but as reported speculators[[still no proof) who at this point are clearly not going to do this because of liabilities,well putting the resident taxpayers of Detroit and the rest of the country on the hook for $20 mil for the demo is a shame.

Me personally I am about preserving ,restoring and finding a viable productive use verses demolition. This is an existing commercial property .