I also don't think this can be done within the bounds of the law, if we remain under the Constitution. It will be dashed to the rocks as hindering the free speech rights of corporations-as-persons. This, if made into law, will only COST the city monies we dearly do not have, wasted on lawyers yakking.

Educating the masses and providing them with true options seems the only way. Incentives to grow your OWN food and eat it closest to its raw state would be ideal, but it may be too great a cultural shock to the average person who actually thinks fast restaurants serve real food!

I used to BE a fast-food ONLY eater. I'll never forget one day on the salesfloor of a hifi store up in Birmingham...when one of my customers saw me slamming another quarter-pounder with cheese in three bites...and they said, "How can you eat that stuff?!" My flippant remark was probably, "what? you just saw me...in three bites!"

But it made a dent. I saw my health deteriorating in my late twenties into early thirties. Married at 32, all of a sudden I went from being 30 pounds overweight to 65 pounds heavy. Sick as a dog with asthma, allergic to an alarmingly increasing number of things, lethargic...and then I got my wake-up call.

Spent fifteen years diligently learning and applying what little I understood. NOW? I'm back to my high-school weight at 47, and have completed twenty marathons. They were all jog/walked...I don't consider myself a runner, THOSE folks watch the clock. I find my rhythm and pace myself, and enjoy every step...every breath.

So...can we find motivated, high-visibility individuals in each neighborhood...and prove to and through THEM there is a better way...so they can share it with those who trust and know them? The overall meme throughout the city is distrust of authority, especially governmental. So nearly anything the government tries, against the hearty momentum of the fast food industry, will be held in high suspicion.

Same approach may help eliminate the 'no snitching' rule, too! Who knows?!
