I'd like to add a negative LOL...what would that be, a Frown Out Loud?

DetroitDad's simple description of his feelings regarding the overall temperature and pressure of society seems spot on, in my estimation.

Care to add anything of significance, Ham, or just drag us all down to your level?! LOL

I also feel something drier, colder, and more desperate brewing in the population at large.

I do NOT believe it can be attributed to something as simple as SAD...although that may be an amplifying factor in some ways. Of course, I've also felt that the city was going to suffer some explosion during the hot summer months, over the past four years, as well.

It just seems to all be coming to a head. We're getting accustomed to this increase in troubles, with no recognition of what will happen when we reach our tipping point. I believe the unrest throughout Europe is what they seek to create in us here...and I know that sounds conspiratorial...but with my analysis of the trends, there is little chance it could be random.

But there is still a chance, and we've NOT yet begun open rioting...so I take solace in that for today.

Cheers and more...regardless the tone of this discussion.