Quote Originally Posted by oldredfordette View Post
Why are the benefit concerts put on by the musicians of the DSO selling out, every week? Why has every show the DSO management put on since the strike began taken a total dump? Why were there 200 people picketing last Monday night in front of Orchestra Hall? The strike is registering, just not to certain people on this forum.

Just dismantle everything that makes this region worth living in and replace it with full on greed.
Yeah, that certainly signifies a tital wave of support for the musicians. How long before the citizens of this area surround the Max with pitchforks and clubs demanding that they can hear the DSO?

Day after day you can hear about upcoming cuts to goverment projects and private sector jobs. Just because someone is great at blowing into a flute doesn't mean that they're immune from what everyone else has had to face.

The comments by McKay are laughable. It's a good thing for the DSO that this strike is a tree falling in a forest with no one around type of story. Otherwise those comments would result in some pretty damaging PR.