Answers to DetroitDad's inquiries....

How much was he charging for tours?
ANSWER: He's never provided formal tours... just a quick look at the main floor former lobby, and the top of the parking deck in the former auditorium.... just an overview. Only Preservation Wayne and Inside Detroit have given lobby/auditorium ONLY tours as part of larger tour packages... with either Preservation Wayne or Inside Detroit guiding the way. And outside of those... most tours just involve the building owner, his son, or possibly his secretary, giving a quick lobby/auditorium overview.

Why hasn't he raised prices in line with the increased demand for the limitied supply?
ANSWER: Since there haven't been formal tours, there have been no formal pricing... many times he's taken time out of his busy schedule to take out of towners on a quick viewing of the lobby/auditorium.

Would sale of current tour openings be enough to make the garage/theater venue safer for larger scale public tours?
ANSWER: This spike in tour requests is a recent phenomenom... probably helped out by the surge in movies and TV shows filmed inside.. as well as DYES. Any expansion into the closed off areas would likely require adding electricity to those areas, as well as providing some sort of railings... and that would open up an entire new can-o-worms as far as city permits, etc., are concerned.

Why has a auto response on a free e-mail account not yet been established [[five to ten minutes of work on Google Gmail, or Yahoo Mail)?
ANSWER: Although they often get phone inquiries of folks wanting to view the lobby and auditorium... it has never gotten out of hand as it has recently. Your suggestion might be taken up.