Agreed that some SMART and DDOT stops are woefully inadequate. Was parked on John R. last night behind the Majestic Theatre for a game of bowling with some friends, and realized my metered, painted parallel spot on the street was actually a bus stop for SMART coaches. Kind of hard to get to the curb when there's a parked car in the way!

DDOT has a program to clean up and keep up their shelters:

I have no clue whether this is actually working or if it was just a PR gimmick. I really hope this is actually being used in some places in the city but for some reason I kind of doubt it. Anyone know? Either way, if I had a bus stop/shelter on my property, I would be certain to keep it in the best shape possible. Clear snow in the winter and keep the weeds down in the summer. I suppose if it troubles you so much, set out on a snowy day with a shovel in your trunk and go out and make a difference by cleaning up some shelters/stops yourself. Sometimes the unsung heros make the most difference and get the self-satisfaction. I've helped keep up various Amtrak stations in the past and while unappreciated, can be a gratifying experience. Do it for a bus stop!