Quote Originally Posted by Trumpeteer View Post
Doma, finally someone who has the balls to call out these pathetic negative posters. Downtown is looking awesome and is definitely going in the right direction. We stayed at the Book in December and had a great time. Can't wait to come back! EVERY downtown has the areas that no one wants to wander into!
I agree with Trumpeteer and Doma. Sure there is a lot throughout the city to be cynical about, but the small, vigorous pockets we come across are inspiring. In the same way that blight can spread like cancer, these small, good things we see happening are like germinating seeds of prosperity.

I was travelling around the lower Cass Corridor this morning and wasimpressed with all of the work going on there. Sure you'll still find plenty of destitute people in the area, but to see all this stuff being built and rehabbed gives me hope, and I hope it has the same effect on the destitutes. MSU is building a new facility in that area, a historic home is being rehabilitated near Park and Charlotte, and what seems to be a massive garden is being put in near Peterborro and Second.

Hope springs eternal!