I dunno, there WERE a few folks in costume.

From early on, I kept crossing paths with a couple dressed as vampires. They were working with one of the brewers, because they were there before the gates opened.

Then the two swarthy gents in kilts, and at least one fellow in lederhosen.

There was a woman with a wonderful brain-eating zombie-shark hat...along with a few of her cohorts from the Fort Street Brewery wearing slightly less bizarre animal hats...they made their tent a bit more festive.

Oh yeah, and the aforementioned Goth couple with the dude who couldn't handle the fun. [[as IF I could, heh, I went home and took a nap at three o'clock, if it wasn't for that I would've been down for the count...I'm not a big afternoon drinker!)

These may be mutually exclusive crowds, Jimaz.
