No needles, pins, razor blades or drugs. I ran the far eastside corner with impunity.....Detroit, Harper Wds. & GPW.

A million kids, I was one of the first ones out and the last to come in. You only saw parents with little kids.....little meaning 5-6 or younger.
To be out on Halloween with a parent was a major faux embarassment that would last months to the poor kid.

I hardly ever had a store bought would crank up the sewing machine, and dad would get his theatrical makeup kit out.
To this day, I can still smell gum arabic for gluing on whiskers 50+ yrs ago.

The word would move around quickly what houses were giving out pennies and nickels......we would always hit that place at least 2-3 times.

Now it's BS. Certain hours.....certain days....certain neighborhoods. And if a 5 yr old could read, they would be scared to death to go out.
Last year in this little country suburban shithole I live in, even though trick or treat would have been on a weekend night, they moved it from the 31st anyhow.