According to a recent study by a major pest control company, they found that out of all their branches, New York has the most calls about bedbug infestations, followed by Philadelphia, and then Detroit. However, Detroit is second to New York in completing the most bedbug services. If you knew of all the potential ways to get bedbugs, you would never leave your house again. Chances are, that if you know anyone staying on a college campus, you know someone with bedbugs. Remember that college students hate to pay for anything, so that wonderful couch that they found by the side of the road, may come with an unexpected treasure. As they drag that piece of furniture to their rooms, eggs, and bugs are falling off of it in the hallways. Same thing happens when they get tired of it and throw it away, and it gets picked up by the next student. The scary thing is that recent studies show that a bedbug may go for up to two, yes two, years without feeding. With that little tidbit of information, .....sleep tight..don't let the..... well you know the rest.