Quote Originally Posted by Newdetroit View Post
If they clear out land, it should be set aside for technology districts. Each district would be for a certain emerging sector. One technology district could be agriculture. Other districts could be for Health Care, IT, Finance, Defense Advanced Manufacturing, Movie Production...etc. So, when you drive I-94 you can read signs on the highway for exists to the IT District or Movie Production District...It could be like a huge corporate parkway or Airport terminal with signs directing you to different Tech Districts.
This would probably be the fruition of the fears being perpetuated by groups like BAMN. This is in no way meant to demonize their group, but what you don't want to have happen is for the people to be moved out only to have people who will only look to work in the areas, instead of live in them. People would have a fit as the jobs that would come would be impossible for many of them to fill. I'm not saying the high-tech jobs shouldn't come; just that they should do it in existing, mostly-empty buildings downtown.

I like your ideas, but I think it would be equally awesome if the same thing existed along one of the radial streets coming out of downtown, or that each one would head out on a separate street.