I think it was a mistake to tie it to employee health. Then any exceptions don't make sense.

The smoking ban inside of restaurants suits me fine, as there were quite a few places that had non-smoking areas that were just a table or two in the smoking area. Now, if they want to impose a design where smokers are completely isolated from non-smokers, that would be great. No smokers walking past non-smoking tables puffing away on their way to the cash register or door.

I agree, smoking on the patio should be allowed. Pul-lease, it's outside! Aside, did you know, Florida restaurants will let you bring your dog on the patio to eat with you? I like that!

I like the idea of having the smokers be on the top floor in multi floor hotels. I have been in a non-smoking room where the smokers downstairs drove me out.

Places that want to have smoking inside should be able to buy a license and call themselves a smoking establishment. Then us non-smokers would know to stay away unless we feel like reeking and having our meal taste like cigarettes, Yuck.

Just so you know, there were quite a few places that declared themselves non-smoking well before this ban was passed, like Nello's in Royal Oak, the Original Pancake House, and more.