This thread is nothing but a red herring.

ACORN does far more good than harm.

Registering people who are illigitimate voters means nothing, since they can't get into the voting booth to cast a vote without proper identification anyway.

There is no fraud here, only the Repugnican Reich trying to score points where there are none.

Furthermore we wouldn't need ACORN if the Repugnicans weren't notorious about REAL voter fraud, poll taxes, crazy rules and guidelines for voting, which are illegal- case in point- the Macomb County Repugnican Party was purposely trying to disenfranchise voters by claiming if your house was in foreclosure, you couldn't vote. These people are shameless liars and frauds.

Kenneth Blackwell, the former Ohio Secretary of State was in the bag for the Repugnican Reich by making sure heavily democratic counties had only a few voting booths, and purposely closed some of them early, or didn't open some at all.

The head of Diebold Corporation in 2004 stated publicly that they were going to "deliver" Ohio for George Bush, and they did. They are all frauds, cheats, liars, and should all be imprisoned.