Quote Originally Posted by ggores View Post
Hell, I don't think of half the damn population of the UNited States as contributing members of society. But be that as it may, and it really doesn't amount to a hill of beans, so long as various sorts of non-presscription drugs are criminalized, then many people in America will continue to remain in a pickle, and will go to jail. And then when the jail gets too crowded, another can be built. And then more people in pickles can go to jail. Hell, everything is against the law, one day it might even be illegal to smoke a damn cigarette. In the comfort of your own home. But be THAT as it may, I too beliEve the so-called drug war is one of the great farces of this modern era and many many many have died in vain as a result.
But you aren't offering any solutions. It's very easy to criticize.