CCBatty is like that little head that sticks up on the shoulder of someone who's bothered by conscience. The host stays dormant while the little head screams the mantra of the Repugnican Reich.

He's a perfect parrot to Yawn "the manatee" Hannity, Lush Bimbao, Shrill O'Reilly, Glenda Speck, Michael "Weener" Savage, Roger Hedgehog, Michael "cheezer stache" Medvedev, Mann Coultergeist, Big Dick "toe sucker" Morris, Bill "high roller" Bennett, etc, etc.

What does this rogue's gallery of general miscreants and social retards have in common?

They all liplock the teats of Rupert Murdoch- the slithering succubus of fascist tabloid tripe called Newscorp.

How's that for a little "truth in advertising," eh?