Quote Originally Posted by janesback View Post
I wonder why no one march and protested over the senseless killing of 3000 people, yet hundreds of thousand march and protest over some copies of a Quran.............

The US was attacked, thousands died, billions of dollars in destruction, yet no one marched or protested over there........

Paper over people.......I just dont get it.
here is the link


Feb 93 - Al Qaeda attacks World Trade Center, six killed & 1042 injured
Jun 96 - Destruction of Khobar Towers, nineteen servicemen killed
Aug 98 - U.S. Embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya, 223 killed & 4085 injured
Oct 00 - Al Qaeda bombs the U.S.S. Cole, seventeen servicemen killed
Sep 01 - Al Qaeda attacks the World Trade Center and Pentagon, 3,000 killed
Dec 01 - Shoe bomber on AA Flight 63 that failed
Oct 02 - Bali bombing, 202 killed & 240 injured
Mar 04 - Madrid train bombings, 191 killed & 1,800 injured
Jul 05 - London bombings, 52 killed & 700 injured
Oct 05 - Bali bombing, 20 killed
Nov 09 - Fort Hood murders, 13 killed & 30 wounded
Dec 09 - Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempts to murder 289 people on Flight 253
May 10 - Times Square bombing attempt that failed
Jul 10 - Double suicide bombing in Kampala, Uganda, 70 killed
Aug 10 - 10 members of Christian medical team on humanitarian mission slaughtered
Aug 10 - Gunmen storm hotel in Mogadishu, 31 killed

That's right, the whole damn planet just turned a blind eye to it all right?

Did you march in protest when Madrid was bombed? London? Mogadishu? ANY of the places you listed?
No? Why not? Is it maybe because you couldn't care less because it doesn't effect you? Now, maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I seem to remember the civilized world rallying to America's aid in every way they could manage. Canada, has been AT WAR, BY-YOUR-SIDE, from the very beginning as we ALWAYS WILL BE. You are our brothers and sisters. What about the rest of the Armed forces from around the globe who joined into your cause? That IS our march and protest! WTF else do you want from the world?
Ever think that Europe is alot more likely to receive an attack than the States if that stupid redneck went ahead with this book burning? They were probably terrified this loser was going to plunge the planet even deeper into this mess with his redneck backwards agenda. "Stop stoking that fire!" was maybe Europes message, huh?