Immaculate Heart of Mary" nuns, my ass. We all knew that IHM stood for "I Hate Men."
And, of course you all know why they are called "nuns."

Sad to have such little gratitude for lives dedicated to children and for 100 years, the advancement and education of an entire city- which was the IHM mission.
I taught first grade and I have to tell you that effective professional first grade teachers do not "love them as their own" as the little ditty above written by a sweet mom hopes. Teachers represent the first encounter, especially for many children who lack fathers, of the expectations of the outside world. They kindly and lovingly make demands on children that many, many mothers, who love wholeheartedly, don't make of their babies. You love them with a parental love- but not with a motherly love.

I don't teach any more and I miss the little faces looking up at me and all the laughter. I watched the children of SW Detroit go to school today with both eagerness and trepidation. I miss it.