Excellent presentation! I had been saying all along that the streets of Detroit including Woodward are designed for the automobile. Most strip malls that had flourished up in the past ten years such as The Model T in Highland Park on Woodward, Jefferson Village on East Jefferson in Detroit have there stores set way behind an extra large parking lot. The idea of car friendly shopping places was still on the minds of developers, city planners, and city leaders during this time. Elected officials, leaders, planners, and developers who don't have the automobile company's best interest in heart and in wallet could bring this region to a more pedestrial friendly region that it has the potential to be. City leaders should stop letting any slumlord buy up properties on the Woodward strip in Detroit. Case in point; The Kresge Shop. Have more quality boutiques up Woodward in Detroit as you do on Old Woodward in Birmingham, Main Street in Royal Oak, The Village on Kercheval Avenue in Grosse Pointe, etc. Develope more sidewalk stores with extra wide driveway that could take cars to the gigantic parking lots in the rear. Get planners and politicians who are not in the back pocket of the Big 3.