Get behind your elected mayor and help him do the job he is suppose to. If not, vote him out. Don't complain about the problem do something to help. You're never going to change Detroit rep unless you change the ghettohoods too. It's all inclusive.

I think the rest of MI right now is helping Detroit through state taxes. I know I'm helping through my Fed income tax. Everytime Detroit or some other city receives stimulus money, I'm helping.
And I'm sure your city is receiving fed stimulus money. Now if you live in SE Michigan it is also to assume over the last 50 years Detroit has paid a significant amount of money to build infrastructure in your community. This would be a good place to bring facts, not throwing shit at the walls and seeing what sticks.

Others had it right by saying fix the schools. That is the 1st priority in attracting young people
Yes, because those cities like NY and Chicago that are bringing in tons of young people have the finest schools in the country. [[please note the sarcasm)