Both sides are slimy in all of this and yet both sides can be praised for their determination in achieving a championship.

LeBron James strung out the city of Cleveland. He never even spoke to Gilbert about his departure or thoughts of exploring an extension. His hour long ESPN debacle was a farce just to bring more attention to himself. Yes, he's immensely talented but he really doesn't deserve this sort of praise. He hasn't won anything nor has he proven much to me just yet. His introductions with Wade & Bosh have already seemed over hyped and they've self appointed themselves champions without as so much a shot taken. LeBron is not a King of anything except maybe Nike shoe sales. He's also gone to a place where he's going to be second fiddle to Wade; it's not going to be his team. Where was his leadership? Where is his fortitude? If he achieves anything there, at best- he's going to be the Tonto to Wade's Lone Ranger.

Dan Gilbert, in his thirst for winning comes across like a spurned lover in all of this. He seriously could've said what he wanted to say in a much more diplomatic way that still would've endeared himself to the Cleveland faithful. Making reference to LeBron in the statement was uncalled for and just validates why he should've left. No Cavalier fan would've taken umbrage with Gilbert if he said in so many words that the team will still move forward in getting a title for the deserving people there.

It's not a good thing no matter how you look at it unless you're a Miami Heat slappy.