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  1. #101
    Stosh Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Novine View Post
    "Along as Obama is in office I'm sure everything will be fine...we will be provided food , shelter, etc at no end....at least untill Novenber..."

    The cynical side of me wants the Republicans to take the House and Senate in November. The only thing that Republicans know how to do is cut taxes for the wealthy and give handouts to corporate America. They don't give a care about the unemployed, the poor or anyone else in this country who can't reward them with a political payoff. After 2 years of that nonsense, voters will send the Republicans packing again. The downside is that it would be at the expense of millions of good Americans and I can't in good conscience support anything that would give Republicans the ability to screw things up to the degree that they did under GWB. It's been almost 2 years since he's left office and the county is still trying to undo all of the harm he did with the aid of his Republican cronies.
    Absolutely agree, Novine. Maybe you should take your cynical side and medicate it through November. Blaming Obama for current events is just rampant stupidity and basic ignorance [[ and possibly racism) coming to the fore.

    At the very least, the Dems are trying [[note I said TRYING) to do something FOR us, instead of doing things TO us.

  2. #102


    "Sometimes it takes more than 40 hours." Best advice my mother ever game me.

    Zacha341 - no wonder no one can find a job, you're out there taking them all!

    Just joking!

    It is refreshing to read your posts on this thread, and that's no joke. You're doing what it takes to survive, rather than complaining, and volunteering too!

    I'm using your approach to weather this storm, working multiple jobs when necessary and volunteering when possible.

    I noticed on this thread, if the above activities are suggested, some people attack the idea. But I also notice, that we are the ones still working, we are the ones making it.

  3. #103


    The tax structure wasn't enough before the current economic situation [[and probably hasn't been for 10 years or more). The UI system in Michigan has been underfunded for years. And being built for a cyclical economy, it is tragically unable to handle a continuous contraction.

    This could translate into tragedy on a personal level, for a lot of people - and other than shipping people out of state [[presumably to states whose congressional delegations have been stonewalling), there really aren't a lot of things that can be done that would not be toxic to retaining Michigan's still-functional businesses and still-employed people.

    It will be interesting to see how it shakes out [[politically) when the people on the receiving end include a lot of "aspirational Republicans" who clamored for low taxes thinking that one day they would be rich. Of course, all of this is probably grandstanding by politicians.

    Quote Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
    That's true, but we're also experiencing the close to the worst case scenario of unemployment situations right now. Unemployment hovering at 10% for 2 years was unthinkable just 3 years ago. So the tax structure was enough to fund the unemployment claims in the past. Not so much when people are on extended unemployment out of necessity.

  4. #104


    Hah! Hang in there! Adaptation is key!!

    The multiple job route seems to be normal now days with the economy, inflation and shrinking dollar value. What I would not give to resume the days of working one nine to five. Now it is not uncommon to have to work and additional job just to pay a specific bill [[car note, or part of rent/ mortgage) as the one job just does not cut it.

    Additionally, you work harder on a given job as companies run lean with more less people doing more. If you are not ready and adaptable to these changes it is even harder. Crazy indeed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Thames View Post
    "Sometimes it takes more than 40 hours." Best advice my mother ever game me.

    Zacha341 - no wonder no one can find a job, you're out there taking them all!

    Just joking!

    It is refreshing to read your posts on this thread, and that's no joke. You're doing what it takes to survive, rather than complaining, and volunteering too!

    I'm using your approach to weather this storm, working multiple jobs when necessary and volunteering when possible.

    I noticed on this thread, if the above activities are suggested, some people attack the idea. But I also notice, that we are the ones still working, we are the ones making it.

  5. #105


    I agree with the republicans. Everyone I know who is receiving un-employment benifits has no intention of finding a job until their un-employment runs out, or they already have a job now working under the table somewhere.

  6. #106


    Quote Originally Posted by CLAUDE G View Post
    I agree with the republicans. Everyone I know who is receiving un-employment benifits has no intention of finding a job until their un-employment runs out, or they already have a job now working under the table somewhere.
    Yeah, and you have no clue what it is to work for a living. Must be rich, and a country club member. Inherited all of your wealth. And you have no intention of working for a living either. Until your dole from your wealthy relatives runs out. As with most rich people, you get your income from under the table : Auntie Rose, Uncle Clyde, mommy and daddy, and their estates.

  7. #107


    That's going to jack some folks up [[waiting until the unemployment runs out). When I was collecting my unemployment I "worked" like a maniac to find work and it still ran out in one case!! Then I found something just as things got really nuts financially. Maybe in the 80's or late 90's you could wait, not now!!!!! The average time to find work is over 18 months or longer... and you can work part-time while collecting unemployment bennies, they just deduct the amount....
    Quote Originally Posted by CLAUDE G View Post
    I agree with the republicans. Everyone I know who is receiving un-employment benifits has no intention of finding a job until their un-employment runs out, or they already have a job now working under the table somewhere.

  8. #108


    Both parties are bought and paid for by overseas interests. Sit back and wait for the revolution. If the powers that be think the masses are going to take starvation lying down than they are nuts.

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by CLAUDE G View Post
    I agree with the republicans. Everyone I know who is receiving un-employment benifits has no intention of finding a job until their un-employment runs out, or they already have a job now working under the table somewhere.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    Yeah, and you have no clue what it is to work for a living. Must be rich, and a country club member. Inherited all of your wealth. And you have no intention of working for a living either. Until your dole from your wealthy relatives runs out. As with most rich people, you get your income from under the table : Auntie Rose, Uncle Clyde, mommy and daddy, and their estates.
    Why would you say that 1KielsnDrive? I too know people who are doing exactly what CLAUDE G is describing and I ain't no trust fund baby, nor am I rich or a country club member; don't have any rich relatives and my income does not come from under the table. I just know people who are collecting, when they shouldn't be.

  10. #110


    "I just know people who are collecting, when they shouldn't be."

    What people are these?

  11. #111


    Quote Originally Posted by Thames View Post
    Why would you say that 1KielsnDrive? I too know people who are doing exactly what CLAUDE G is describing and I ain't no trust fund baby, nor am I rich or a country club member; don't have any rich relatives and my income does not come from under the table. I just know people who are collecting, when they shouldn't be.
    I say it because I believe it to be true. Not in every case, but in many. If you aren't as I describe, then you have little or no compassion and empathy for middle, working class people, who are suffering greatly from destruction of our 'American Dream' by politicians and the wealthiest one one-millionth of the world's population. We all know politicians, business execs and rich people who scam, cheat and buy their way out, and they're seldom held responsible for their actions. They certainly don't serve time in jail. Why should all hard working, middle, working class people be held responsible for the ones you allegedly know who are supposedly cheating or scamming? This is a replay of the old 'Ronald Reagan' cheating, lieing, scamming, 'welfare mothers driving Cadillacs' routine. What about cheating, lieing, scamming, rich people driving Bentleys, dropping hundreds of thousands of dollars at country clubs? At least be fair and honest in your indictments. The amount of dollars paid out to all UI recipients in this great country of ours amounts to peanuts compared to the amount of money scammed by the defense department, ceo's, wall street and politicians. They all lie to our faces on a daily basis and we're expected to take it lieing down.
    Last edited by 1KielsonDrive; July-07-10 at 02:23 PM.

  12. #112


    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    I say it because I believe it to be true. Not in every case, but in many. If you aren't as I describe, then you have little or no compassion and empathy for middle, working class people, who are suffering greatly from destruction of our 'American Dream' by politicians and the wealthiest one one-millionth of the world's population. We all know politicians, business execs and rich people who scam, cheat and buy their way out, and they're seldom held responsible for their actions. They certainly don't serve time in jail. Why should all hard working, middle, working class people be held responsible for the ones you allegedly know who are supposedly cheating or scamming? This is a replay of the old 'Ronald Reagan' cheating, lieing, scamming, 'welfare mothers driving Cadillacs' routine. What about cheating, lieing, scamming, rich people driving Bentleys, dropping hundreds of thousands of dollars at country clubs? At least be fair and honest in your indictments. The amount of dollars paid out to all UI recipients in this great country of ours amounts to peanuts compared to the amount of money scammed by the defense department, ceo's, wall street and politicians. They all lie to our faces on a daily basis and we're expected to take it lieing down.
    I don’t have empathy for the middle class? W.T.F.? I AM THE MIDDLE CLASS! I am self employed. I pay into the unemployment fund, but I am ineligible to collect. I don’t have the benefit of collecting unemployment indefinitely if I am out of work.

    I’ve done the volunteering and the work that’s beneath people on unemployment. Why would they do my job when they can get more by staying at home? Why would they provide “slave labor” by volunteering when they don’t have to?

    I’m getting ripped off and I’m pissed off. I am offended by the “everybody else is scaming, I will too” attitude. I take offense to your notion that I don’t understand what the hardships are in this economy.

    I know better than anyone. I’m the one out there WORKING!

    You think unemployment money is a tough row to hoe? Try it without any AND paying into the system at the same time.

    I know what these people are about to face, I live it everyday.

    How about you show me a little empathy? I’m the one out there keeping things going, busting my ass, and getting shit on by people like you.

  13. #113

    Default selective fiscal conservatism

    You can bet that many of the folks whining about the paying out of unemployment insurance benefits will be the first ones in line with their hands out after Daddy sells the store.

  14. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by ridgeabilly View Post
    You can bet that many of the folks whining about the paying out of unemployment insurance benefits will be the first ones in line with their hands out after Daddy sells the store.
    Well said, Ridgeabilly!

    "If there be a God"

    Justice, sweet justice.
    Years back, hard times early 80's. Cashier at local small town supermarket sneered and said "Does anyone work around here?All we get is food stamps" Sure, she had a job- daddy owned the store. Until he closed it. Saw her ahead of us in line at Meijer's about a year later- and she paid with food stamps. Bet she was collecting unemployment also, if it had not run out already.

  15. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by CLAUDE G View Post
    I agree with the republicans. Everyone I know who is receiving un-employment benifits has no intention of finding a job until their un-employment runs out, or they already have a job now working under the table somewhere.
    When I read remarks like this, I have ask, do you agree with the Republicans that we should continue funding billions with a "B" into wars that no one wants? I find it hypocritical to criticize funding unemployment benefits yet at the same time the Congress have no problem to spend another 30 billion for the war effort in Afghanistan which is now in year nine.

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by econ expat View Post
    Well said, Ridgeabilly!

    "If there be a God"

    Justice, sweet justice.
    Years back, hard times early 80's. Cashier at local small town supermarket sneered and said "Does anyone work around here?All we get is food stamps" Sure, she had a job- daddy owned the store. Until he closed it. Saw her ahead of us in line at Meijer's about a year later- and she paid with food stamps. Bet she was collecting unemployment also, if it had not run out already.
    Reading your comment only reminds of a five word quote that rings in my head: "life gets in the way"

    For millions of Americans, life got in the way of their American dream and here we are.

  17. #117


    For the naysayers in this discussion, it appears that you think that unemployment benefits are sufficient to even subsist on. Most of us could not survive on even the maximum unemployment benefit of roughly $380 [[which only the highest incomes receive). Sure it's enough to squeak by, but it's definitelly not enough to pay a mortgage payment, utilities, car payment, insurance payment, health care costs and buy food.

    Now...that being said, I don't like the idea of growing the debt either. Nor do I like the idea of all those people going on welfare as my tax dollars pay for that as well.

    Ending the war and bringing all the troops home may help, but then again, where are all those men and women going to work when they come home? I agree that it would save a lot of money in costs of the war. Perhaps we could leave them all in-service and use them to protect our borders from those terrorists we are trying to find in Afghanistan. I would much rather my tax dollars go to that purpose.

    I also believe that the government-run work programs like the old TVA are a great idea. People can be taught new skills that can be used to improve their lives and our country's infrastructure can get repaired.

    I am no genius, so I don't know what the answer is. I do know, however, that disparaging those who are on unemployment, for the most part, are not happy about it. They would much rather be working, with the opportunity to move forward in their lives.

    I have a son...40 yrs old...who lost his job due to the poor Michigan economy. He was not an automotive worker, but in a field related to it. He can't pay his rent and utilities and buy food on the unemployment he receives because his ex-wife gets half of it. His car broke down...he was driving an old car that did not have a car payment...and had to junk it because he couldn't afford to fix it. If not for family members getting him another used car, he wouldn't have a vehicle. He has applied for job after job after job...he is either over-qualified or under-qualified. He is taking advantage of the "No Worker Left Behind" program and going to school now to re-train himself...in criminal justice. But it will be another 8 months or so before he gets his Associates Degree...and most agencies require a Bachelor's Degree.

    And, of course, now that his exwife is only getting half the amount of child support that the court originally ordered, she and my grandchildren are suffering too.

    This is just a typical story of what is happening in this world, and particularly in Michigan. Again, I don't have the answer...but IMHO just ending unemployment benefits for these folks and throwing them to the wolves is not the answer.

  18. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by Blueidone View Post
    For the naysayers in this discussion, it appears that you think that unemployment benefits are sufficient to even subsist on. Most of us could not survive on even the maximum unemployment benefit of roughly $380 [[which only the highest incomes receive). Sure it's enough to squeak by, but it's definitelly not enough to pay a mortgage payment, utilities, car payment, insurance payment, health care costs and buy food.

    Now...that being said, I don't like the idea of growing the debt either. Nor do I like the idea of all those people going on welfare as my tax dollars pay for that as well.

    Ending the war and bringing all the troops home may help, but then again, where are all those men and women going to work when they come home? I agree that it would save a lot of money in costs of the war. Perhaps we could leave them all in-service and use them to protect our borders from those terrorists we are trying to find in Afghanistan. I would much rather my tax dollars go to that purpose.

    I also believe that the government-run work programs like the old TVA are a great idea. People can be taught new skills that can be used to improve their lives and our country's infrastructure can get repaired.

    I am no genius, so I don't know what the answer is. I do know, however, that disparaging those who are on unemployment, for the most part, are not happy about it. They would much rather be working, with the opportunity to move forward in their lives.

    I have a son...40 yrs old...who lost his job due to the poor Michigan economy. He was not an automotive worker, but in a field related to it. He can't pay his rent and utilities and buy food on the unemployment he receives because his ex-wife gets half of it. His car broke down...he was driving an old car that did not have a car payment...and had to junk it because he couldn't afford to fix it. If not for family members getting him another used car, he wouldn't have a vehicle. He has applied for job after job after job...he is either over-qualified or under-qualified. He is taking advantage of the "No Worker Left Behind" program and going to school now to re-train himself...in criminal justice. But it will be another 8 months or so before he gets his Associates Degree...and most agencies require a Bachelor's Degree.

    And, of course, now that his exwife is only getting half the amount of child support that the court originally ordered, she and my grandchildren are suffering too.

    This is just a typical story of what is happening in this world, and particularly in Michigan. Again, I don't have the answer...but IMHO just ending unemployment benefits for these folks and throwing them to the wolves is not the answer.
    Thanks for sharing your story. It is stories like yours that reminds us all that things are indeed bad. In a previous post, I mention the quote "life gets in the way" and this is an example. Here you have your son who like millions of Americans was doing his thing and out of the blue our elected leaders and our business leaders decided to downsize the American workforce with no idea how to replace those jobs that would leave our shores for "country X."

    Granted many manufacturing jobs were going to disappear but there was no plan to replace them. There was no plan in place to keep America strong. From manufacturing to IT, nothing was safe. Right now, there is no solution. Going to school is always great but there are millions of college graduates just waiting for a chance to put that degree to good use. Getting a job is like hitting the lottery. All luck.....

  19. #119


    There are a number of solutions, or at least partial solutions, to the unemployment problem in Michigan. Here are a few off the top of my head. Perhaps you could add to the list.

    1) Unemployment compensation is a state matter. Elect state politicians who will raise taxes to pay for additional unemployment benefits. Alternatively, redirect government waste and redundant spending toward unemployment payments.
    2) Get rid of some local and state zoning and occupational licensing requirements which hinder the unemployed from feeding themselves. Why can't someone who can't make their monthly payments repair cars, do perms, bake pies, elderly care, or whatever out of their homes if it would make the difference of being able to buy medicine or food? Where's the compassion? ...at least until unemployment gets back below 5%.
    3) National unemployment is officially over 9% while the percentage of illegal aliens in the US workforce is over 5% [[17% in construction). Simple math: 9%-5%=4% actual US worker unemployment. Start fining and incarcerating cheating employers instead of extending unemployment benefits or use the fines to contribute to expanding unemployment benefits.
    4) End GATT, NAFTA and other corporatist agreements that usher US jobs out of the country. Michigan, as an industrial state was one of the states hit hardest by these agreements. It makes no sense to export jobs while importing workers.
    4) End OPIC, a federal entity, which guarantees US corporate investement in foreign countries thereby subsidizing and encouraging a futher loss of US capital and jobs.
    5) Expand the concept of enterprise zones for businesses that do not compete with those already in the State including new industries.
    6) Adjust unemployment payments, or extend payments, to allow a higher rate of unemployment payouts to unemployed workers who choose to do three days a week of community service. Think of all the lawn mowing, abandoned home demolition, caring for the elderly, painting of public schools, etc. that needs to be done just in Detroit but that Detroit has no money for.
    7) Obamacare will discourage employers from hiring more than 50 workers; at least in this country. The state could legislate some Kelly Girl type options allowing the expansion of their in-state work force if they temporarily need some extra workers. This would be better than forcing such businesses to move overseas or be paying a lot of overtime to existing employees, an inefficiency, just to prevent hiring more employees.
    8) Blame Bush.
    Last edited by oladub; July-08-10 at 10:22 AM. Reason: al>all

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by CLAUDE G View Post
    I agree with the republicans. Everyone I know who is receiving un-employment benifits has no intention of finding a job until their un-employment runs out, or they already have a job now working under the table somewhere.
    The republicans should target the ones whohas no intention of finding a job until their un-employment runs out, or they already have a job now working under the table somewhere. Not those who are having trouble putting their lives back in order or doing voluteering [[ non- paid) work. Our system is broken and its NOT the faults of the democrats or Obama, it's the Bush Era Republicans. Americans, you can vote them out and bring in the socialist order in politics. The time is now.


    Because social reform in the United States takes action, not talk for Neda's sake.

  21. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by Thames View Post
    I don’t have empathy for the middle class? W.T.F.? I AM THE MIDDLE CLASS! I am self employed. I pay into the unemployment fund, but I am ineligible to collect. I don’t have the benefit of collecting unemployment indefinitely if I am out of work.

    I’ve done the volunteering and the work that’s beneath people on unemployment. Why would they do my job when they can get more by staying at home? Why would they provide “slave labor” by volunteering when they don’t have to?

    I’m getting ripped off and I’m pissed off. I am offended by the “everybody else is scaming, I will too” attitude. I take offense to your notion that I don’t understand what the hardships are in this economy.

    I know better than anyone. I’m the one out there WORKING!

    You think unemployment money is a tough row to hoe? Try it without any AND paying into the system at the same time.

    I know what these people are about to face, I live it everyday.

    How about you show me a little empathy? I’m the one out there keeping things going, busting my ass, and getting shit on by people like you.
    I feel really sorry for you, when you're out here running other middle, working class people down, like they're all scammers. Show some empathy and you might get some empathy. You're not the only one working a job, self-employed, owning a business, ineligible for UI. Save your indignation and anger for the people who deserve it - the politicians and wealthy business execs who prey on you and yours. Our very own nobility, ruling class, oligarchy. And, btw, I've never shit on you. But I have been in your shoes.Try getting anger management therapy [[Medical Care?) in this, the greatest country on earth. If you can't find it, you have a couple of choices, pay for it yourself, or go to jail - our great country's most original and cost-effective [[?) anger management system, brought to you by none other than our wonderful politicians. You know, the same 'representatives' who won't let us have the benefits they enjoy.
    Last edited by 1KielsonDrive; July-08-10 at 02:01 PM.

  22. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by ridgeabilly View Post
    You can bet that many of the folks whining about the paying out of unemployment insurance benefits will be the first ones in line with their hands out after Daddy sells the store.
    You are so right.

  23. #123


    Quote Originally Posted by R8RBOB View Post
    When I read remarks like this, I have ask, do you agree with the Republicans that we should continue funding billions with a "B" into wars that no one wants? I find it hypocritical to criticize funding unemployment benefits yet at the same time the Congress have no problem to spend another 30 billion for the war effort in Afghanistan which is now in year nine.
    I have one problem with your remarks: that is Trillions, with a T.

  24. #124


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    The republicans should target the ones whohas no intention of finding a job until their un-employment runs out, or they already have a job now working under the table somewhere. Not those who are having trouble putting their lives back in order or doing voluteering [[ non- paid) work. Our system is broken and its NOT the faults of the democrats or Obama, it's the Bush Era Republicans. Americans, you can vote them out and bring in the socialist order in politics. The time is now.


    Because social reform in the United States takes action, not talk for Neda's sake.
    Sorry Danny, it is the fault of both parties, no matter what the vote was on any one particular issue. They all have their hands in the coookie jar and are insulated from reality by living in D.C, campaign treasure chests, revolving doors and 'the good ole boy' system.

  25. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    I have one problem with your remarks: that is Trillions, with a T.
    Actually, I knew that but it is just so hard to believe that we invested trillions and stall unemployment benefits over 30 something billion dollars.

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