Whitehouse-I know! It's far better to be like my next door neighbor's niece, college student took a job to earn some money-when the Men With Guns turn up @ her Quik-Pik, rob her & the till, abduct her & drive her out to the backwoods. Strip her. Beat her. Rape her. Shoot her for fun & leave. Then some kids tobbagganing can find her nude, frozen, violated corpse the next day. Got it. But Michael Moore is grateful this State never had the death penalty....unless you were a poor college co-ed unlucky enough to work for Quik-Pik, Mike.

P.S. "Bowling For Columbine" was excreable. You read Dave Cullen's book & there's a laundry list of facts that Moore got completely wrong-or perpetuated falsehoods as fact, to suit his own ends. Only he would be lazy enough to go across the Bluewater & have a couple high school students ditching outside a Sarnia Taco Bell pontificating about Colorado high school students & pass it off as "documentary"