If you are talking about that back end trail that leads towards the lighthouse [[towards Lake St. Clair) with the park bench and winding road, the water back there can be treacherous. A teen girl lost he life there last month - the under current go here in what seems like nice waters. Almost killed her sister too. I go back there too, but not into any water. I like to go back there for the quiet and peace where you can actually have a decent conversation with your guest and enjoy the nature and view of the lake in the near distance..... I only swim in swimming pools with life gaurds, no kids, lots of cholorine. LOL!
Quote Originally Posted by Django View Post
Theres a little known swimming hole on the Isle that Ive been familiar with for years. Ive been swimming there for the past week almost every day. Its not uncommon for the boys to come by and give us a gentle reminder to keep our beer in plastic cups. Today two officers stopped by and didnt have much to say as there was only about eight of us there and we were just hanging out on the beach in the sun. About 15 minutes later two more cops showed up and told us we all had to leave, that this whole area is restricted and no one is supposed to be back here, that the signs restricting us were vandalized and removed. I asked when this new rule was put in place because there are trails leading back here, its a public park, and so on and so on until he threatened me with arrest because he didnt consider my bathing suit a bathing suit and would charge me with indecent exposure. I didnt want to wind up with a ticket or in jail on a Friday [[and wait to see the judge on Monday) so I bared down and kept my mouth shut.

There are paved trails leading back to this spot, there are kiosks with maps all along this trail.

Ive had cops stop by and tell us we cant swim at this spot because of e coli, I prefer it to the main beach because its quiet without screaming kids and their soiled diapers. The folks who go to this spot keep it pretty damn clean, a lot cleaner than the main beach. The water has a good current to it which tells me its constantly being flushed of any e coli or other stagnant creepy crawlies.

Anyone else had any probs like this. Of all the BS ppl have to put up with on Belle Isle I would think Freak Beach would be on the back burner of things to worry about.

It really burned my ass that this one cop used my bathing suit as a way to shut me up. His partner was backing him up but I could tell be knew his partner was full of shit.

Any Ideas?

One more thing, I love cops, I wish we had more of them, they all need a pay raise and better bennies.