Quote Originally Posted by guito13 View Post
I am aware of how unemployment works. Luckily I have never had to collect in my 17 years of working [[I am 31 now) and I feel for those who have to collect. All I know is that I truly would feel bad just not working and collecting money, call me old fashioned but I dont want a hand out, I want to work for my money.

I guess its just a matter of how you think of unemployment, either something you are entitled to because of previous employment or something you earn by doing something currently. I guess I dont feel entitled to anything and would rather work for my pay. The sense of entitlement in todays society is another thread alltogether :-)
I've also heard this viewpoint a thousand times - - - until the person voicing it was laid off, disposed of by an employer, lost their business and medical coverage. Then the crying begins. We used to have a quality called 'empathy', and another called 'understanding', in our social fabric. No longer.