Actually, looks like right around 75 car shows within about a 30 minute drive from downtown Detroit.

That doesn't include the annual car shows and cruises, listed below. We have it about as good as it gets when it comes to showing off your ride.

I hope to make it to the "Back to the Bricks" show some year, but also have an issue with it being the same time as Woodward's Dream Cruise. From what I hear though, Flint is doing plenty well with the number of cars and people that show, some of which have grown tired of Woodward's "bustin' at the seams" size. Even if Flint just extended their show to Sunday, I think it would draw a lot of the out of town/out of state crowd from Woodward.

I've just about completed my upload of the Downriver Cruise pictures. As soon as it's complete I'll post the link.