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  1. #26


    Peter, you take the term ~~~~~~ bag to an all new level. Really? That's all he did was have an affair? Frankly, Pete, I don't give a rat's ass about his affair. I care more about how he raped this city. There is an old quote that reads, "better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt". Peter, you have, for all intents and purposes removed ALL doubt. You are a fool! When will the madness with this bunch end?

  2. #27

  3. #28
    Ravine Guest


    We are so fortunate, in that we have absolutely no need, whatsoever, for this shithead's "take" on any part of this matter.

  4. #29


    How do you know had had not sold any software?

    Quote Originally Posted by pffft View Post
    "...he would have been able to pay his restitution..."

    1. He hadn't sold any software in a year.
    2. He was going to pay $6 a month. That's paying restitution? If he'd paid his restitution from the get-go, he'd be out dining on chic-fil-et.

  5. #30


    There is no proof that his wife beat any strippers.

    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPole View Post
    This is where I take huge exception to the, "Detroiters are idiots and they elect idiots" rhetoric. Kwame was supported and continues to be supported by these old, white, suburban billionaire assholes like Pete Piece of Shit Karmanos. Kwame must have some serious shit on this rich old limp dick bastard.

    His stripper-beating "wife" was loaned a ton of money by the likes of these freaks too. Then they're called upstanding members of the "community" by their lawyers. Quite a country we live in.

  6. #31


    Uncle Pete does have some valid points. People usually don't get charged with perjury in civil suits. This was basically a witch hunt by the WC prosecutor.

  7. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by ejames01 View Post
    Uncle Pete does have some valid points. People usually don't get charged with perjury in civil suits. This was basically a witch hunt by the WC prosecutor.
    I think the key word in your post is Usually....unfortunately for KK this is not your usuall case!! This involved millions of dollars and police officers their jobs to cover up what really happened. He was the Mayor after all.....

    Mr. Karmonos needs to take some law classes to understand that it was not the sex, but lying about it under oath to cover up the truth.
    KK will probably get his job back when he gets out....Why didn't Karmonos keep him on the payroll while he was in the clink? Not that he did anything while he was working....never sold any products or services for the company...... Or better yet why not pay his debt off for him?
    Last edited by Searay215; June-16-10 at 06:51 AM.

  8. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by shovelhead View Post
    If Karmanos is so supportive of Kwame, why did he fire him?
    Kilpatrick can't be a salesman while in prison.

    Perhaps Karmanos is trying to bring home the bacon to Detroit and Compuware via Kilpatrick's mom, health care and Covisint. More likely than Pete worried about being at a party.

    Yet, on DetroitYes, Kilpatrick murdered a prostitute and Karmanos helped him [[?) by ushering him out of the Mayorship and out of the State.

    Karmanos has done more for Detroit than all the people calling him an asshole. Unless you count posting on a forum, giving tours and making money off of the ruins and driving foreign cars to ensure said ruins a way to do something for Detroit. To me, the constant slathering Detroit and oneself with mud and perpetuating negativity is really the assholery, especially on "DetroitYES."
    Last edited by East Detroit; June-16-10 at 07:39 AM.

  9. #34


    agirlintheD....well said. The comments made by Peter Karmanos make me so angry I could spit..............just when ya think this whole unfortunate saga can't get any more ridiculous and outrageous, and down right madening, IT DOES!!!

  10. #35


    Its hard to support Karmanos, despite what he has done for Detroit proper, when he comes out and supports the supposed leader of the city after continuing perjury, other lies and just plain ineptness to assume the responsibility of running this city,in favor of saving himself and his family and friends. Karmanos , in that article , showed a blantant lack of knowledge of the legal system and even worse, seems to care less about the untold damage KK caused Detroit in his exploits as mayor. Credibility is earned, not given or bought.

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by ejames01 View Post
    How do you know had had not sold any software?
    It was stated in the court proceedings, and although that was up to Jan, he may have made a sale since then, I certainly doubt it, we would have heard.

  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPole View Post
    This is where I take huge exception to the, "Detroiters are idiots and they elect idiots" rhetoric. Kwame was supported and continues to be supported by these old, white, suburban billionaire assholes like Pete Piece of Shit Karmanos.
    Uh, Detroiters still voted for him. His rallies were attended by a lot of people, and it seemed like he had a lot of popular support in the city at the time.

  13. #38


    With all the shady deals we keep hearing about, Karmanos may NOT have done quite as much for the city as people want to give him credit for. 9-10 years of Kwame, 30+ with Cheeks-Kilpatrick, just as many with Bernard, how many favors were they giving out and at what cost to the city. And you can bet Karmanos was part and parcel to numerous favors again at the expense to the city. I shudder to think how much the city lost with all the behind closed door deals that where going on. And no I don't have any proof but do know what I have heard with the federal charges that have been brought out so far and I am certain we are hearing less than 1/10th of what has really occured. So, Karmanos has benefitted quite well from the Kwame Kamp, mother and father included. Oh whoops -In My Opinion

  14. #39
    LodgeDodger Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by East Detroit View Post
    Kilpatrick can't be a salesman while in prison.

    Perhaps Karmanos is trying to bring home the bacon to Detroit and Compuware via Kilpatrick's mom, health care and Covisint. More likely than Pete worried about being at a party.

    Yet, on DetroitYes, Kilpatrick murdered a prostitute and Karmanos helped him [[?) by ushering him out of the Mayorship and out of the State.

    Karmanos has done more for Detroit than all the people calling him an asshole. Unless you count posting on a forum, giving tours and making money off of the ruins and driving foreign cars to ensure said ruins a way to do something for Detroit. To me, the constant slathering Detroit and oneself with mud and perpetuating negativity is really the assholery, especially on "DetroitYES."
    I'm quite sure Detroit has done a lot for Mr. Karmanos.

    As a tour guide in the City of Detroit, I do my part to enhance the image of the city. I do what I can with what I have. People like Karmanos are doing more than their part to wreck any good we're trying to accomplish in Detroit. Money isn't everything...especially when it's linked to people like Peter Karmanos and the Kilpatrick clan. Get your head out of your ass.

  15. #40


    "Uh, Detroiters still voted for him. His rallies were attended by a lot of people, and it seemed like he had a lot of popular support in the city at the time. "

    I recall thatKkilpatrick was way behind in the polls of likely voters very near his last election until a lot of money for advertising and hiring flowed to him from corporate leaders like Tony Early and Karmanos, etc. I also clearly remember a civic-sponsored presentation of candidates Kilpatrick and Hendrix, and marvelling at the open sneering that that the civic leadership engaged in when Hendrix was speaking. I am a resident of SW Detroit and Hendrix was the candidate I was voting for. Hendrix was the leader in the polls of Detroit voters at the time. He didn't have Kilpatrick's flash - was that the reason that the big guys sneered?

    Anyway, I'm not sure that Kilpatrick was the clear choice of Detroit voters. He WAS the clear choice of the old boys club, of that there is no doubt. Just wondering what dynamics were in play and continue to be in play.

  16. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
    "Uh, Detroiters still voted for him. His rallies were attended by a lot of people, and it seemed like he had a lot of popular support in the city at the time. "

    I recall thatKkilpatrick was way behind in the polls of likely voters very near his last election until a lot of money for advertising and hiring flowed to him from corporate leaders like Tony Early and Karmanos, etc.
    Yeah. Kwame lost the primary. I believe it was the first time that an incumbent Detroit mayor ever lost the primary.

  17. #42


    After reading the forum for a couple of years, I have always enjoyed your insights, and your "not so insightful" moments. Yet I never joined as I knew I don't have all the answers. Or even a great number of them. Yet.I finally hit a topic where the answer is soooooooooo clear that I had to join.

    Mr. Karmanos--- where is your sense of shame? Where is your sense of propriety? Of Ethics? Of Responsibility?

    "Adultery? Just adultery?" Are you not paying attention? Or are you just paying Momma Cheeks' little boy because you don't think he's as cute in prison orange?

    It's nice to know if I worked for Compuware that I can: lie trying to defend my egregiously wrong actions in a civil suit that the person I wronged was suing Compuware for---that I can cost Compuware 8 million---and then I can hide it from you, and your auditors the REAL reason I lied [[because I'm a selfish bastard) ... and you're not only going to NOT FIRE ME---you're going to give me a bonus!

    Mr. Karmanos, as a contributor to your cancer Center, I can promise you I'm finding a new cancer charity to donate to. One whose titular head knows the meaning of responsibility and ethics. I realize because it's only a couple of thousand a year--- it mean nothing to you, or the cancer center in general.

    Look, I understand political paybacks. I understand groveling at the public teat. But this---while I hate the phrase---by this interview yesterday you have managed to become as big a Dbag as Kwame himself.

    Take this from a marketing/communications professional.... Just shut the hell up!

  18. #43


    You know, the Freep's respected Tom McGraw went to work for Pete Karmanos recently as his PR guy. I wonder if McGraw didn't set up this interview as an effort to help make Karmanos more popular? And it went all bad.

  19. #44


    That's got to be it... why else would Karmonos go thru so many heroic gyrations to vindicate KK... It defies logic. But the same thing was said of Clinton by some of the feminist as they looked the other way and defended him.

    Looks like Pete wants to get more people on his "dream" bus by issuing such a bold-faced, incongruous comment! But people know better... well some do... you can't "polish" this!
    Quote Originally Posted by rustic2 View Post
    Karmanos has invested so much in this guy, he has no choice but to polish the turd.
    Last edited by Zacha341; June-16-10 at 11:04 AM.

  20. #45
    bartock Guest


    ejames - if the perjury that led to a publicly funded settlement of millions of dollars of taxpayer money is a witchhunt, how would you describe the federal investigation and RICO stuff?

    While all of this pisses me off, I don't know that anyone has "dirt" on Karmanos. Despite all the problems, the odds say that CCK has a good chance of getting through the primary this August and she will thus be reelected. Wasn't Kwame's specific job selling "medical" software? With all of the Health Care stuff and CCK on the Appropriations Committee I'd say that Karmanos is trying to protect an investment, not unlike these lawyers getting free publicity to massacre the English language when they know darn well he's cooked.

  21. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by East Detroit View Post
    Karmanos has done more for Detroit than all the people calling him an asshole. Unless you count posting on a forum, giving tours and making money off of the ruins and driving foreign cars to ensure said ruins a way to do something for Detroit. To me, the constant slathering Detroit and oneself with mud and perpetuating negativity is really the assholery, especially on "DetroitYES."
    Looks like this temper tantrum prone billionaire appologist [[probably works for Compuware).... won't be at any Forum picnics!

    Maybe we should buy him a "Don't Snitch" T-Shirt....
    Last edited by Gistok; June-16-10 at 11:43 AM.

  22. #47


    "He became visibly frustrated and called the exclusive interview to an end, saying that he would be happy to meet with the media in six months when the truth about Kilpatrick is revealed."

    I wonder what truth will be revealed in 6 mos. That the feds are going to finally move in on their case????

  23. #48


    Yeah, what "revelation" is pending; outside of the feds moving in? Oh, I know it will be found that the mayor did nothing, he will sue the city!
    Quote Originally Posted by jackie5275 View Post
    "He became visibly frustrated and called the exclusive interview to an end, saying that he would be happy to meet with the media in six months when the truth about Kilpatrick is revealed."

    I wonder what truth will be revealed in 6 mos. That the feds are going to finally move in on their case????

  24. #49


    I think that he is saying that the truth of Kilpatrick's innocence will be revealed in the Federal investigations and also by that time Kwame's appeal of his probabtion violation sentence will be resolved in his favor.

    It seems a little like strings are being pulled in Kilpatrick's favor - maybe not on the Federal level [[but maybe so); maybe on the State level though. And Karmanos may be privy to what's being done or will be done for Kilpatrick - through the family. he's such a public friend and supporter they may trust him with information.

  25. #50


    SWAMP: How does it seem like "strings are being pulled in Kilpatrick's favor?" The guy is in state prison for 14 months, owes about $840,000 in restitution, has no job and is likely to be indicted by a federal grand jury in the coming weeks. I don't see how things are breaking his way. It seems like the system is working.

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