Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
Stosh, only in your world can one quit their job and still maintain their lifestyle. Two types of people, Producers and consumers, thanks for putting yourself in the proper group. As for lying, that's exactly what you're doing for Madame psycho.
Who's lying about what she said, other than you and the others who couldn't bother to watch the clip?

She essentially said quit your job and don't worry about healthcare, you'll have it. You folks can twist that any way you want, anyone with a few neurons arcing knows what she meant.
Your interpretation is your interpretation, not fact. Anyone with a few neurons knows you're the one twisting it. Ruminating on what you imagine she "was really thinking" and presenting it as cold, hard fact is lying.

Show me where I lied about anything.
In the thread title. In the first post. And throughout the thread.