I remember when the TVs were being dumped there. A lot of Sears Roebuck stickers and literature was left with them. I believe the Sears outlet store may have paid someone to take the old stuff out of their store to the dump, rather than pay the dump fee the Packard became the spot to leave them. There were hundreds, I remember a few older sets but most were newer. Many looked as if they could have been repaired. There is still a few in there rotting just south of the newly collapsed sky walk on the East side.

Vintage, did you check out those shoes? I couldn't figure out what they were used for. They seemed to be made of extremely stiff leather, almost like a blade was going to be put on the bottom of them to make a pair of ice skates. I kept a couple of dozen pairs for a few years but eventually tossed them.

Has anyone checked out the motor home on the second floor along with the couple of boats? I found a defunct grow operation on the second floor also.

I love the Packard, I would hate to see it go just because I have so many fond memories of spelunking it, just as I do the MCD.

Just to cover my ass, I dont reccommend anyone explore the upper floors of the West side structure thats falling down. Nick has plenty of pics of that area.

What were we talking about? TVs???