Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
$800 million? We could spend that kind of money too if we were not footing the bill to have american soldiers protecting Germany [[though who is going to invade it?), or helping out in places like Hati, or getting life saving drugs to Africa.

What is more important? People or things?
That's a false choice, between people or things. We can take care of people and still have enough left over for historic preservation. It's all about how we allocate our funds and the decisions that we make.

How much have we spent in one freeway expansion after another?

How much have we as a state spent supporting "economic development" in parts of Michigan with more cows than people?

How much have we wasted on one political boondoggle after another? [[The $19 million spent of the Harmonie Park/Paradise Valley project comes screaming to mind, but there have been scores of others.)

Then, of course, there are historic preservation projects, such as the Old Tiger Stadium or the Lafayette Building, where the only thing that were actively blocked the DEGC - just so we could have a nice patch of undeveloped dirt.