Quote Originally Posted by stromberg2 View Post
I don't think they are there anymore, LDoolan.

I work at UM-Dearborn. The cottages and Pony Barn are still there. In fact, I operated my bird research out of the Pony Barn for over ten years. I've not heard whether these buildings are part of the deal [[and will check), but I would guess not. The press I've read refer only to "the residence," the cottages are used by the University, and the buildings are far enough away from the Estate that it would be hard to disengage them from the campus.

Someone wondered about whether the ice house or those types of buildings [[e.g., maple sugar shack) would be rebuilt. I seriously doubt this. The original locations are in the campus environmental study area, which is heavily used for education and research. Plus, no good way to prevent vandalism in those areas. It's hard enough to prevent in the more public areas of the grounds.

The University wasn't and isn't in the best position to maintain Fair Lane Estate, not only from a financial point of view, but practical or logistical either.