Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
The special is mainly following one family and purports to be about the whole city. Why not call the special "Raising Kids in Today's Detroit?" I think my frustration, and the frustration of thousands of other Detroiters, is that the Herculean efforts of some Detroiters are always ignored. The one nonprofit organization we've seen thus far is run by a "suburban mom." Kudos to her, but reports like this make it seem as if there are no Detroiters who are self-reliant, responsible, and working against horrific odds to make the city better.

They get no press and no ink, and it shows that the media doesn't follow their own standards. What we are seeing tonight is the media's equivalent of "dog bites man." Is there a person with access to news sources on the planet who doesn't know that Detroit has issues with violence, blight, schools, retail, and unemployment? Who doesn't know that the city government is corrupt? That there is a kleptocracy? Where is the news here?

What would be new is the "man bites dog" story. What is going on in Detroit that people don't know about?

You would really be surprised about how many people don't know about the situation of Detroit. I have made a thread on the main forum that I belong to, and it has already ballooned to twelve pages.
People just don't understand what Detroit is going through right now.