There are still a lot of prestigious hotel brands out there: W for instance. As many have stated, hotel brands change a lot. This is not uncommon. And it likely includes a management company change. A Ritz likely doesn't fit the Detroit economy these days, certainly not in Dearborn any more. Expect something reputable and upscale to come as the new flag. You don't buy a property like the Ritz and put a Holiday Inn name on it.

And for what it's worth, the Greenwood company turned the Ypsilanti Marriott from a stereotypical suburban hotel with a bar in a ho-hum location on the edge of closing into an outstanding property that identified some incredible customer niches that weren't being served in the Ann Arbor area and made it a dynamic and highly profitable hotel. They bring top notch management in. Expect the same with a property as storied and as high profiled as the Ritz.