Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
Quote: "Conservatives love to wag their fingers at poor people who have sex and take drugs, while ignoring how rich people do the same thing."

In the words of Fury13 "Oh bullshit!"

Successful people don't get that way by being irresponsible.
I think you missed the sarcasm in my use of the word "success." Rush Limbaugh is a "success" and a hero to conservatives. He's also an irresponsible drug addict. And a mean, nasty person.
I think you're using the offspring of the successful as comparison. Are Bill Gates, Warren buffet et al, irresponsible?
Did I say they were? No.
No they aren't, they are hard working intelligent people that have earned every dime they have made.
Did I say they didn't? Did I even refer to either of them? No.
True definition of failure is to admonish them for their successes out of ignorance and jealousy. A winner emulates them, or tries to.
Yup. Aren't we agreeing here?

I think YOU are confusing "successful" with "rich." They're not the same thing, except in the eyes of some small-minded conservatives.
I was referring to the idle rich such as Paris Hilton, who did nothing to "earn" her "success" and has been plenty irresponsible over the years. Not all rich people are successful and responsible, but for some reason it's not an issue if they're doing the same horrible things that get some poor people in trouble. Paris and Rush don't have to steal cars to pay for their drugs, but they still do drugs.

Re: The Dr. King reference in the original post, if you knew anything about Dr. King he would be agreeing with the concept of "personal responsibility". It was one of the pillars of his message.
Of course he did. Many poor people can blame some of their problems on poor choices. Many are hard-working, intelligent and responsible, but poor for other reasons.
You didn't answer the question though: Is buying your way out of trouble - using your own hard-earned success money or Daddy's - considered "personal responsibility?"