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  1. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "Anyone can play the superstition game."

    But it takes more than an idiot to think past their nose.
    Why not answer my questions?

  2. #27


    What is Mugabecare?

  3. #28


    It's the new racist nickname for the health care bill about to be passed.

  4. #29


    I appreciate that these tea party folks don't have a problem showing what kind of people they really are.

    Quote Originally Posted by oldredfordette View Post
    It's the new racist nickname for the health care bill about to be passed.

  5. #30


    Quote: "Why not answer my questions?"


    Quote: "I suppose you think that your god beat the native Americans' gods."

    No, I think men commit horrific acts in the name of God. You are confusing the two.

    Quote: "And where was your god during the Depression?"

    Giving many believers the strength to persevere and carry themselves through difficult times created by man.

    Quote: "What did the 11 million who died in the nazi death camps do to bring down the wrath of your god?"

    Another horrific act committed by man..

    Try thinking on a bit larger scale.

  6. #31


    What is Mugabecare?

    Quote Originally Posted by oldredfordette View Post
    It's the new racist nickname for the health care bill about to be passed.
    Don't be so hard on Oludub, its just the libertarianism in him coming out. Its racist if you see it from a teabagger

  7. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by ejames01 View Post
    What is Mugabecare?
    Already answered this. See first paragraph post # 21.

  8. #33


    Quote: "And where was your god during the Depression?"

    Giving many believers the strength to persevere and carry themselves through difficult times created by man.

    maxx: Except that the Bible talks mostly about all the joy and justice you'll see once you're dead, not about living.

  9. #34


    Quote: "not about living."

    180 out..

  10. #35


    second, where does that "hiring 16,500 extra..." come from? source, please
    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    "Republican members of the House Ways and Means Committee, a panel that oversees taxes and health issues, also charged that IRS audits will likely increase if health care legislation is passed. They added the IRS will require up to $10 billion to administer the new program. They also claimed the IRS may need to hire 16,500 additional employees. " -WSJ
    ahh, yes. I keep forgetting you believe crap spewed by people whose every word on this issue has been shown to be a lie, printed in a faux news rag, and on undocumented crap posted by a right-wing extremist web site [[America's News Online)?

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    ahh, yes. I keep forgetting you believe crap spewed by people whose every word on this issue has been shown to be a lie, printed in a faux news rag, and on undocumented crap posted by a right-wing extremist web site [[America's News Online)?
    If the IRS hires more people, it's government waste to conservatives. If the prison system hires more people, it's business growth.

    RE: the new textbooks
    Are the people who cut Thomas Jefferson's section down the same people who were complaining a while back that there wasn't enough information about the Founding Fathers and too much about minorities in history textbooks?
    Last edited by maxx; March-23-10 at 04:58 PM.

  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "Why not answer my questions?"


    Quote: "I suppose you think that your god beat the native Americans' gods."

    No, I think men commit horrific acts in the name of God. You are confusing the two.

    Quote: "And where was your god during the Depression?"

    Giving many believers the strength to persevere and carry themselves through difficult times created by man.

    Quote: "What did the 11 million who died in the nazi death camps do to bring down the wrath of your god?"

    Another horrific act committed by man..

    Try thinking on a bit larger scale.
    OK, on a larger scale:

    1. Why did your God decide to ravage Haiti with earthquakes?
    2. Why did your god allow AIDs, smallpox, malaria, etc to come into existence?
    3. Why does your god allows floods, droughts, faminine?

    Going by this link [[http://across.co.nz/WorldsWorstDisasters.html) it looks like your god has soem 'splainin to do.

  13. #38

  14. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    ahh, yes. I keep forgetting you believe crap spewed by people whose every word on this issue has been shown to be a lie, printed in a faux news rag, and on undocumented crap posted by a right-wing extremist web site?
    Once again, rb336 posts his/her personal opinion and includes absolutely nothing to back up his/her argument.

  15. #40


    Quote: "1. Why did your God [[etc)."

    You'd really have to ask him..

    I wonder these same questions, and always fall back on this analogy:

    It's like taking one piece from a jigsaw puzzle and trying to analyze it and explain it. Without seeing it in it's proper place and alignment, it makes no sense whatsoever. Some idiots try to claim, because this or that place or person was in high concentration of sin or sinners. I don't believe that. I simply answer "I don't know".

  16. #41
    Retroit Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by jt1 View Post
    OK, on a larger scale:

    1. Why did your God decide to ravage Haiti with earthquakes?
    2. Why did your god allow AIDs, smallpox, malaria, etc to come into existence?
    3. Why does your god allows floods, droughts, faminine?

    Going by this link [[http://across.co.nz/WorldsWorstDisasters.html) it looks like your god has soem 'splainin to do.
    I realize these questions were not asked to me, but I'd like to take a stab at them:

    The reason God created earthquakes, floods, droughts, etc. is because without a dynamic planet, life on earth would not exist. And without viruses, famines, accidents, etc. people would live forever and that would create a planet overcrowded with very old people, no?

  17. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by johnsmith View Post
    ahh, yes. I keep forgetting you believe crap spewed by people whose every word on this issue has been shown to be a lie, printed in a faux news rag, and on undocumented crap posted by a right-wing extremist web site?

    Once again, rb336 posts his/her personal opinion and includes absolutely nothing to back up his/her argument.
    just to refresh your memory, I asked for a source for a certain item. I did not get a source other than a "republicans say this" sort of thing. I had nothing to "back up" except that i want reliable sources, not political thuggery

  18. #43


    "Thuggery"? Oh please....

  19. #44

  20. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Retroit View Post
    The USA didn't institutionalize slavery. That occurred long before 1776. You are undoubtedly aware that slavery began in Africa and still exists there and that most slaves brought to America were captured and sold into slavery by black Africans.
    Yes, that is pretty consistent with african-americans' tendency to self destruct to this day. Early americans didnt have to invent slavery, they just improved on it, made it more profitable.

    Yes, the USA did benefit financially from slavery, but what relevance does this have to the topic at hand. Slavery wasn't "institutionalized" based on Christian or Republican principles. In fact, it was on Christian and Republican principles that slavery was abolished. Also, many slaves were Christians and most early black politicians were Republican, so I'm mystified by your analogy.
    Yes, financial benefits of slavery should not be discussed. Yes, the principle you refer to was a long, extremely bloody drawn out war that managed to destroy and mangle a lot of christian folk; of all colors and all stripes.

    I don't think that the European settlers would have been any less harsh had they not been Christians. It was more of a clash of cultures and the unlikelihood of the two ways of life co-existing in close proximity. I would suggest reading some of the first-hand accounts of those who lived in proximity to Native Americans.
    Yes, it confirms my suspicion about you Retroit; a clash of cultures and the unlikelihood of the two ways of life co-existing in close proximity is something you try hard to live up to. It doesnt matter how far removed in time, said accounts of colonials are, they are still relevant to you.
    Europeans were settlers, Native americans were... incompatible with an industrious, competitive, christian folk. Keep on reading the Holy Bible, it's a living thing...

    Why no despair over the denigration that Capitalism has received? Liberals think that all our ecomonic problems can be blamed on capitalism when in fact it is socialism that is too blame.
    Right, I cant find a single thing capitalism has done to generate such discomfort in the world.

    Why no despair over the lack of jobs despite trillions of dollars of government spending? Would demand-side economics followed by tax increases produce more jobs?
    Think of all the middlemen in communist China now making a mint? Surely you cant be against that kind of communism. Walmart is pretty happy with the tight commie ship that China is running. Plenty of jobs in China for anyone ready to pull up their sleeves. There are more billionaires made in China than you can shake a stick at. And the world needs more billionaires.
    And you cant argue with Walmart's success now can you?

    Future generations will not have to resort to the study of theories to understand the higher taxes they will be burdened paying. That tax burden is the result of the government spending too much. While both parties are to blame, I think by comparison, Democrats are bigger spenders.
    Yes, how about another invasion somewhere? There were plenty of opportunities for some top republicans to recoup whatever the government has spent on the war in Iraq; albeit on a personal basis!?

  21. #46


    ghetto P: You're damn skippy religious faith played a large role in our country's history. The following colonies were founded based on religious freedom and avoiding persecution, i.e. having someone else's faith rammed down their throats:

    maxx: And it certainly didn't mean that any of these colonies were particularly tolerant towards other religions -- with the exception of Pennsylvania.

    [[1646) Massachusetts institutes the death penalty for heresy
    [[1656) Massachusetts continue practice of religious intolerance by beating, imprisoning and banishing Quakers, all woman jury acquits woman charged with abortion in Maryland
    [[1657) Following Massachusetts' lead several colonies mistreat and banish Quakers

    In the more egalitarian Virginia, an offender missing three consecutive Sundays in church could be put to death in the early days of the colony. New England Puritans, long viewed as a persecuted group in England, were the least tolerant of other faiths. In most of the thirteen colonies, Catholics and Jews were considered persona non grata.
    Quakers were not welcome in Massachusetts and well into the 19th-century, New Englanders annually burned an effigy of the pope.Intolerance became a part of American religious tradition among the older, established churches. The Great Awakening of the early 18th Century, for example, was vigorously opposed in Virginia. In 1704 a Maryland law made it illegal for a Catholic priest to say mass.

    What are the chances that any of this will make it into U.S. history books?

  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Retroit View Post
    I realize these questions were not asked to me, but I'd like to take a stab at them:

    The reason God created earthquakes, floods, droughts, etc. is because without a dynamic planet, life on earth would not exist. And without viruses, famines, accidents, etc. people would live forever and that would create a planet overcrowded with very old people, no?
    But what does he have against Haiti? And the distribution of both viruses and natural immunity to diseases is pretty random. So your god appears at best disinterested in human suffering and at worst "he's" a capricious thug. The Catholic Church has not tried to explain this peculiar behavior of the deity to my knowledge. Instead they declared suffering a positive thing that meant less time suffering in the afterlife. In the past 50 years they appear to have downplayed their love affair with suffering, even softening the Lenten fasting and the meatless Friday requirements to keep the "faithful" happy.

  23. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    ghetto P: You're damn skippy religious faith played a large role in our country's history. The following colonies were founded based on religious freedom and avoiding persecution, i.e. having someone else's faith rammed down their throats:

    maxx: And it certainly didn't mean that any of these colonies were particularly tolerant towards other religions -- with the exception of Pennsylvania.

    [[1646) Massachusetts institutes the death penalty for heresy
    [[1656) Massachusetts continue practice of religious intolerance by beating, imprisoning and banishing Quakers, all woman jury acquits woman charged with abortion in Maryland
    [[1657) Following Massachusetts' lead several colonies mistreat and banish Quakers

    In the more egalitarian Virginia, an offender missing three consecutive Sundays in church could be put to death in the early days of the colony. New England Puritans, long viewed as a persecuted group in England, were the least tolerant of other faiths. In most of the thirteen colonies, Catholics and Jews were considered persona non grata.
    Quakers were not welcome in Massachusetts and well into the 19th-century, New Englanders annually burned an effigy of the pope.Intolerance became a part of American religious tradition among the older, established churches. The Great Awakening of the early 18th Century, for example, was vigorously opposed in Virginia. In 1704 a Maryland law made it illegal for a Catholic priest to say mass.
    What are the chances that any of this will make it into U.S. history books?

    Slim for the rest of the country..... None for Texas ......OH WAIT !! Slim just walked out the room !!!

  24. #49


    maxx, Just a historical footnote. The two colonies you mentioned were the two Anglican [[Church of England) colonies. The Puritans [[Congregationalists) were pretty crotchety amongst themselves but aside from that, we don't hear much about burning witches and so forth from Mary Land [[Catholic) and the other colonies. Freedom of the Press was alive and well in Penn's Quaker colony. The Indians never attacked Quaker settlers either because they always negotiated fair settlements. Where else could colonists meet in public to draw up a declaration against the King in broad daylight?

  25. #50


    Originally Posted by Retroit
    The USA didn't institutionalize slavery. That occurred long before 1776. You are undoubtedly aware that slavery began in Africa and still exists there and that most slaves brought to America were captured and sold into slavery by black Africans.

    maxx: In an African history class I took at MSU, the prof. said that slavery in western Africa was more like indenture. It wasn't forever and it wasn't brutal. So the Africans who sold Africans as slaves had a different idea of slavery.

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